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As is vividly portrayed in the set of cartoons, the drawing on the left depicts a father requiring his son to study hard while he himself is watching TV beside the little boy; in contrast, the drawing on the right describes that both the father and the kid are working together attentively.

There is so much in this set of thought-provoking pictures to concentrate on and it is also making me emotional: the hardest problem kids face today is to learn good manners without seeing any. Parents should be careful of what you do in front of your child. The old saying is true, "He who sins before a child,sins double." We should set a good example in words, in temper, in diligence,in faith, in charity,in kindness and in humility. Do not think children will practice what they do not see elders do.

In this day and time just saying to children "just do it" is not enough. They need someone to teach them by example what is expected of them. Children tend to share the same values with their parents about the most important things in life. Our principles and examples of good behavior can teach our children to take the high road when other roads look tempting.





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