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The drawing depicts a little girl who wears a pair of thick glass. She is forced to stay in this "ivory tower" which can be explained by lots of homework in front of her on the desk. Instead of concentrating on study, the poor kid is dreaming of the outdoor sunshine and fields, craving the fun of running wildly outside.

Apparently,the artist aims at criticizing a serious problem occurring in the educational circle.That is to say,students bear on their shoulders overwhelming homework despite the country's campaign for quality education.Such a practice is very harmful. Firstly, too many assignments can only stimulate hatred towards study among students. Secondly, brain labor takes the place of physical exercise, which is detrimental to children's health, particularly their eyesight. Last but not least, student creativity tends to be repressed due to the humdrum homework.

From my point of view, homework is an indispensable method to help children study, but it is only part of the whole picture.Children deserve outdoor activities, from which they can benefit enormously. Not only do their bodies get adequate movement, their minds can also be greatly improved by an intimate contact with nature.





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