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The picture presents an interesting scenario occurring in a kindergarten. Little kids are playing on a teeterboard, on the two sides of which sit three boys opposite just one girl. The teacher, who stands beside, cannot help commenting that the situation would worsen when the children grow up.

The cartoon vividly reflects a serious problem in the composition of China's population, that is, the number of males greatly outweighs that of females. Such a gap owes principally to a deep-rooted concept in the majority of the Chinese people's mind that only boys can continue the family bloodline as well as inheriting family honor and property. This is particularly thought in rural areas, thus creating a huge stimulus for residents to give birth to boys through all possible means. Despite the strict implementation of China's family planning policy, some households never give up the efforts of expecting a boy even if they already have several daughters. Punishment and penalty fail to weaken the strong belief.

The general favor toward having a boy leads to gender imbalance. It contributes to a series of social problems, especially increasing the male's difficulty in finding a spouse.





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