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The student who is selecting courses online in the picture is facing a tough choice. "Should I choose the easier course with less homework or the harder one with innovative knowledge?" If I were him, I will select the latter.

People will tell you not to take the harder course because you will be more likely to have a poor grade. To be frank,many students opt for easier courses, because they are easy to pass with high scores and little homework, and thus feel safer as these courses typically represent our comfort zone. The harder courses, which are full of new knowledge and emphasize innovation, are full of the unknown. They bring the feeling of unease and ask for more efforts. However, they are more beneficial in the long run.Continually challenging yourself becomes the norm,which puts you in a much better position for many opportunities, since many jobs require you to think critically on a daily basis, while a challenging class will push you to think critically and work harder. You may cultivate new abilities by breaking your limits and stepping out of your comfort zone.

From testing your abilities to preparing yourself for future jobs, difficult classes are always acquiring new competences and are key in developing a strong skill set. In the end, I'd like to quote John F. Kennedy's words. When he was talking about his vision to land a man on the moon, he said "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard."





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