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The key to living a life of love, peace and richness is to live from your heart.

When you live from your heart, you feel full and rich, and life seems to pass peacefully. You feel confident, happy and full of peace. You feel alive.

When love comes out from your heart, you feel lively, energetic and de- lighted. The feeling of being on purposeinspires you to new heights, some you nev-er dreamed possible.

Living from your heart keeps you focusing on the most important things in your life. You can move from focusing on disagree- ment to what is most important to you. And what is the important to you is your desires in your deepest heart.

Your heart holds the secret to true happi- ness. The secret is love. Love is the gentle expression of the heart; it is an expression we all long to feel deep within.

Whether you know it or not, one of the most important relationships in your life is with your soul. Be kind to your soul and love it. Use your experiences, all of them, as opportunities to feed your soul!

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