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1.I would like to request the purchase of a new photocopier for our department.我想申请为我们部门购买一台新复印机。

2.I would like to suggest the purchase of a new laser printer for the accounting department.我想提议为财务部购买一台新激光打印机。

3.In order to improve the photocopying efficiency of our department can I recommend that we upgrade the present copier? 为了提高我们部门的复印效率,我能否提议更换我们现有的那台复印机?

4.The current photocopier has already broken down three times this month. 本月内现有那台复印机已经坏了三次了。

5.The present copier is no longer under warranty and consequently suffers from high repair bills.现有的那台复印机过了保修期,因此我们得不断地支付高额维修费。

6.A new photocopier would be faster and more economical in the long run. 新的复印机速度更快,而且从长远考虑,也更经济实惠。

7.In order to facilitate our sales team in delivering presentations to current and prospective clients, I would like to apply for the purchase of a digital projector.为了帮助我们的销售团队更好地给既有和潜在的客户做演示,我想申请购买一部数字投影仪。

8.The attached document gives in greater detail suggested new models, prices, estimated savings and technical specifications.随附文件详细列出了建议采购的机器的型号、价格、预计节约的费用以及技术规格。

9.I hope you will give serious consideration to this request.我希望您会认真考虑这一请求。

10.Thank you for taking the time to consider this request.谢谢您花时间来考虑这个请求。

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