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1.Could I borrow your pen for a minute? 我能借你的笔用一下吗?

2.Would it be alright if I left work early tonight? 我今晚早一点下班行吗?

3.Would you mind if I used your phone? 你介意我用一下你的电话吗?

4.Is it possible for me to take Friday afternoon off as I need to go to the dentist? 我可否在星期五下午请假去看牙医?

5.Can I have your permission to order some new stationery as we seem to be running low on supplies? 您可否批准我购置一些新的办公用品?我们好像没有多少存货了。

6.I would really/greatly appreciate it if I could invite my husband to our annual dinner tomorrow.如果我可以邀请我丈夫来参加我们明天的年度晚宴,我会感激不尽的。

7.I was wondering if I could have my annual holiday in July this year.我是否可以在今年7月休年假?

8.Do you have any objection to my inviting Thomas to our meeting tomorrow? 我想邀请托马斯来参加我们明天的会议,对此你有什么不同意见吗?

9.I would like to request permission to attend the training programme for advanced computer engineers which will be held in two weeks time.我想请求您批准我参加计算机高级工程师培训课程,该课程将于两周后开课。

10.Do I have your permission to speak to him about this issue? 您是否允许我和他谈谈这件事?

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