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1.I wonder whether he will get the promotion he's wanting.我想知道他是否会得到他朝思暮想的晋升。

2.I'm curious to know how the meeting went today.我想知道今天的会议开得怎么样。

3.I'd love to know whether we won the bid for the computer upgrade.我很想知道我们的那个电脑升级方案是否中标了。

4.I can't wait to find out who the new secretary is.我想立刻知道谁是新来的秘书。

5.How in the world was he able to get that new sales deal? 他到底是如何搞定这个新销售协议的?

6.How on earth did he find time to get his BEC certificate while working full-time? 他究竟是如何一边做全职工作,一边考取商务英语证书的?

7.I wonder if we will get a big bonus this year.我想知道今年我们是否会得到一大笔奖金。

8.I wonder why we are not advertising our new model UPhone we have just developed. 我想知道为什么我们没有为刚开发出来的新型号UPhone做广告。

9.I wonder why she didn't say anything about the new office development. 我想知道为什么她对新办公室的进展只字未提。

10.Have you heard when we are going to move to our new offices? 我们什么时候会搬进新的办公室?你(们)听到过什么有关此事的消息没有?

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