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Report This report aims at outlining which aspects of our department function most effectively, which ones need improvement and how to achieve an efficient improvement.First of all, it needs to be stressed out that the majority of the team generally shows a real team spirit, is willing to do his best to prioritize some smooth interactions with customers and is not reluctant to work outside the normal working hours.On top of that, every member of the team has been carefully selected for his/her excellent qualifications in terms of negotiating skills and communications abilities.As a result, it came out of the recent survey, conducted with most of our customers, that our department has an excellent image outside the company.Unfortunately, however, some aspects appear to be less brilliant. As part of our sales force, people spend most of their time on the phone and cannot fit any training course within their schedule. As there is no clear strategy to encourage the employees to attend training courses, they may feel guilty to decide to use part of their working time to get a better knowledge on a computer software for instance.This being, said, I strongly recommend to define a clear strategy encouraging people to register, at least, to two training courses, each year.This would help them to understand that, whatever their initial qualifications may be, it may bring benefit to both them and the company to improve them.


You work for Global institute inc. , which produces softwares. You are responsible for Quality Management System.

Study the following graph which shows the effort taken by your company and IBI Inc , your main competitor. In the graph ,the Quality Management is divided into five parts.

Use the information in the graph to write a short report (about 100 120 wards) suggesting ways of improving the quality management of your company. Write on your Answer Sheet.

How to improve Quality Management System with limited capitals? That is the key to success. After careful study of IBI Inc 'our main competitor ,we find that they spend some money in Customer Service and Vender inspections which are vital to Quality Management. As we know, softwares are developed quickly. Customers and venders know clearly what they need. Therefore, we should develop programmes based on information through Customer Service and Vender inspections. Another fact with our attention is that although IBI Inc.?s Plant productivity is not high, they can sell out their new, high-quality softwares quickly as they have a very good Quality Control System. Therefore, we should adjust the capitals.


You are a clerk in Lucky Tourism Company. You are responsible for arranging travelling lines. One day ,you received the data as follows :

Read the following table which shows the changes in the way people spend their holidays. The table divides the tourism business into four parts ,telling the different percentages in 1980 and in 1990 ,from which you will notice the trend of current tourism business.

Use the information in the table to write a short report (about 100-120 words) emphasizing changes of the main business for your company.

Nowadays, less people like to spend their holidays at home. More people go camping outside or even travel abroad. The changes are caused mainly by three factors. First ,people become more open. Instead of staying at home, they visit foreign countries to know the different races. Secondly ,in the 1990s , house wives are more free from the heavy housework with more and more household utensils. Families are very happy to spend holidays outside with mothers or wives. Thirdly, travelling abroad can also mean enjoying comfortable weather in another country. Therefore less people go to crowded seaside ,they turn to other ways.

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