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1. Hello, … 你好。

2. Hi, … 喂,你好。

3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。

4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗?

5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。

6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。

7. Welcome back to school. 欢迎回到学校来。

8. Welcome to our school. 欢迎到我们学校来。

9. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!

10. What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么?

11. Your name, please? 你叫什么名字?

12. My name is…/ I’m… 我的名字是…/ 我名叫…

13. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs… 这位是…小姐/先生/女士。

14. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。

15. Come and meet my friends. 过来见见我的朋友们。

16. How do you do? 你好。

17. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。

18. Goodbye. 再见 19. Good night. 晚安。

20. How old is he? 他多大了?


1. Thank youhttps://m.engpx.com/news/ Thanks. 谢谢。

2. You’re welcome. 不用谢。

3. That’s all right. 没关系。

4. I’m sorry. 对不起。

5. Sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。

6. Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。

7. Come in, please. 请进。

8. Have some bananas, please. 请吃些香蕉。

9. It’s time for the cakes. 该吃些蛋糕了。

10. May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

11. Come in, please. 请进。

12 . May I have yours? 我能吃你的吗?

13. Can I have two cakes? 我能吃两个蛋糕吗?

14. No, you can’t. 不,你不能。

15. Can I have one,please? 我能吃一个吗?

16. Yeshttps://m.engpx.com/news/All right. Here you are. 好的。给你。

17. Can I go with you? 我能和你一起走吗?

18. Sure. 好的。

19. Do you know his telephone number? 你知道他的电话号码吗?

20. Are you sure? 你能确定吗?


H: How are you doing, Andrew?

A: Not well. I’ve been feeling pretty lonely lately.

H: But you have so many friends! How could you be lonely?

A: You know what they say: a friend to all is a friend to none. I don’t feel like I really know any of my friends. In fact, I should probably call them acquaintances, not friends.

H: What about me? I’m your friend.

A: I know you are, but you’re my girlfriend. I wish I had a guy friend to hang out with sometimes.

H: I know what you mean. I find it difficult to make new friends, too. It’s not as easy as it was when we were young, is it?

A: Not at all.

H: I’ve made a lot of new friends since I started learning English. Maybe you could join a club or take a class to make some new friends.

A: That’s a good idea.

H: What kind of qualities do you look for in a friend?

A: I’m not sure. I guess I’d like to meet some people who have a positive attitude and want to have a good time.

H: People who play ultimate Frisbee have a positive attitude; maybe you should join the ultimate Frisbee club.

A: That’s a possibility. Thanks!


A: You haven't spent much time with Sophia lately. Are you speaking to each other at the moment?

H: No, we're not. We”ve been drifting apart for a while.

A: But you two used to do everything together. I thought you really enjoyed each other's company.

H: We did, but since she started her new job, all she does is hang out with her new friends from work.

A: Can't you hang out with them, too?

H: I could, but all they ever talk about is work, so I always end up feeling left out.

A: Maybe you should invite her over for dinner, so it's just the two of you.

H: I tried that a few weeks ago and she ended brining a pal from work with her! She's so busy these days that it's just impossible to hang out with her.

A: It can't be that bad. She was always a really good friend to you.

H: you're right. She would never talk about me behind my back or hold a grudge. But she just doesn't seem very interested in our friendship anymore.

A: She's probably just excited about her new job. You should give her some time. It would be a shame to lose such a good friend.

H: I've given her enough time. I'm over it now.

A: I still think you two should try to patch things up.

H: I think I just have to accept the fact that it's time for us to go our separate ways.

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