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C: Good mouning. I should like to get some toys for this boy.早上好。我想买些玩具给这个男孩。

S: What kind of toy does he like他喜欢什么样的玩具呢?

C: Do you have one of those remote control nodel cars?你们有的遥控的模型汽车吗?

S: I'm afraid not, sir. would you lide a kiddie car operated on bateries though?恐怕没有,先生。但您要不要使用电池的小三轮车?

C: That's something niw. It's really for kids to drive.那可是新奇的东西。蛮合适小孩子骑的。

S: Yes. You can try it if you want.是的。如果您要的话,可以试度看。



C: How long does it last on its batteries?它的电池可以用多久呢

S: It'll last four hours of consecutive use. Then you'll have to recharge the batteries.可以连续使用四个小时。然后,您得重新充电。

C: Is this for plugging into an electrical socket?这是将插头插进插认的吗

S: Yes.是的。



C: How long will it take to have it recharged?重新充电需要花多少时间?

S: around eihgt hours. sir. I'm sure the boy will like it.先生大约八小时。我敢肯定小男孩会喜欢的。

C: Let me see how it works,first.先让我看看如何使用。

S: There's nothing to it. It operates just like a real car,but only simpler and meant for a kid.没什么。就像真车一样地操作,但就是很简单,而且专为小孩设计的。



S: We have a new line of toy telephones that have just arrived. Would you like to get noe ofr the children at home刚到一生活上最新型的电话。您想为家里的孩子们买一个吗?

C: I do have to buy some toys for my nieces and nephews. Yes,can I see them?我要为我的 侄女和侄子买些玩具。好,我可以看看吗?

S: Yes. We have a dis count on these items. Ten percent off the newly arrived towys and fifteen percent off on the older ones.是的,这些物品正好在打折。新到的玩具打九折,原来的于具打八五折。

C: O. K. I'll take two of these and another two of these.好的,我要买两个这种和两上那种。



S: Wait herefor a moment, sir. I'll have them wrapped for you.先生,请在此等候。我去帮您包起来。

C: Thank you.谢谢

S: Here you go. Here's your change and receipt. Would you like to see anything else?拿去吧。这是找您的零钱和收据。您想看看其他的东西吗?

C: Ithnik this will be emough for now. I'll just come backif I need some more.我想现在这些就够了。如果不需要的话,我会再回来的。

S: very sell, sir. Thanks ofr dropping by.很好,先生。多谢光临

C: Goodbye now.再见。

S: Goodbye.再见

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