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S: Right this way,sir There are still some tables upstaers. 先生,请走这边,楼上还有座位。

C: Is it air-conditioned upstairs?楼上有空调吗?

S: It is,sir.有的,先生。

C: O. K. Lead the way.好吧,请带路。

S: Please sit here. This is the menu. I'll just leave you for a moment. I'll be back when you're ready to order.请坐这里,这是菜单,我只离开一会儿,等你们准备好要点菜时,我就回来。

C: Well,we'd like something quick for five persons.嗯,我们要很快就弄好就的菜,五个人吃。

S: Well,why don't you get our pre-arranged dinner of five courses for five persons?你们为什么不叫五人吃的有五道菜的预定晚餐呢?

C: What do you have in it?里面有些什么东西?

S: There's fish,crabs,shrimps,scallops and clams.有鱼,螃蟹,虾,干贝和蛤。

C: How about the soup?汤怎么样?

S: It's free of charge. It comes with any order.是免费的,只点菜就送汤。

C: And rice?有饭吗?

S: You can eat as much you want.随便您吃多少。

C: O. K. That plus a glass of beer for everyone.好的,每个人再加一杯啤酒。

S: Thank you.谢谢。



C: Waiter,I saw in you sign that you can cook one fish in five different dishes. Wi'd like to try that.服务生,我看到你们招牌上有一鱼五吃,我们想试试看。

S: O. K. You can go there to the fish tand and select the fish you want. I'll go with you.好的,你们可以到鱼槽那里去选想要的鱼,我会跟你们一起去的。

C: Oh,could you do the selecting for us? I'm afraid I don't know how to distinguish a good one from a bad one.噢,你能替我们选吗?恐怕我不知道如何区分鱼的好坏。

S: Certainly. Would you lide anything to go with your meal?当然好,你们要叫点什么来配菜吗?

C: Some orange juice and guava juice.来一点橙汁和和芭乐汁。

S: One carton of each . Is that alright?每种一杯。可以吗?

C: Yes, that will be all, Could you tell the cook not to cood it too hot?是的,就这些了,你能告诉厨师别煮得太辣了吗?

S: Sure.当然。

C: Waiter,could you give us some sauce for the fish fillet?服务生,能给我们一些沾鱼片吃的调味酱吗?

S: What kind of sauce do you like?要哪 一种呢?

C: some soy sauce with ginger,vinegar and garlic?有加姜,醋,蒜头的酱油吗?

S: O. K. Please wait.好的,请等一下。

C: The check and some toothpicks, please.请拿帐单和牙签来。

S: Certainly. That'll be one thousand dollars.好的,一共是一千元。

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