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Such is human nature to explore those exotic countries and feel the sense of refreshment. Many people desire to expand their minds and enrich their experience of the world during the process of visiting their dream tourism destination. However, some problems inevitably ensue. Instead of feeling the pleasure of travel, what some sightseers feel are only culture prejudice, conflicts and misunderstandings.


First, historical differences and diverse customs, to some extent, contribute to the bias, misunderstandings and even hostility. A case in point is that eating dog meat is permissible and understandable in some minority areas in China. More precisely, Taiwan people might be quite amazed when hearing or seeing dog meat is edible, for it is illicit and forbidden to persecute dogs in Taiwan. It is conceivable that Taiwan tourists might be quite shocked and disappointed when visiting some Korean minority areas in Mainland in China. People there always take dog meat as delicious foods.


Further, some sightseers’ deeply rooted concept, and diverse life experience account for the appearance of culture prejudice. To illustrate, a kind of benediction like may you children become a dragon might be acceptable in Chinese culture. However, westerns might consider this kind of malediction as a curse for their children, for dragon equals to monster in western culture.


Several methods should be adopted to help tourists minimize the potential culture bias or emotional misunderstanding. Primarily, before paying a visit to one tourism destination, it is feasible to specialize in the customs, histories and local people’s lifestyle. For example, if a western visitor aims to do some sightseeing in the Chinese minority areas like Tibet, it is wise to get to know some taboo, learn some simple minority language and the minority tradition. Also, efforts should be made by those tourists guides or local mass media to disseminate local cultures and popularize some relevant travel taboo. In this sense, people will acquire the first-hand knowledge and thus have a deeper insight into a new country.


Overall, it is no easy task to iron out possible bias and conflicts before visiting some hot scenic spots. However, memorable travel experience favors the ore pared minds.


雅思写作真题9分范文分享 犯罪减少最佳办法

本文为大家2018年3月3日雅思写作考题,是关于犯罪话题的,讨论教育与监狱谁能更有效地减少犯罪。是一道比较有难度的话题,不过这篇英国雅思老师的范文还是值得信赖的9分哟。In most countries, prison is the most common solution for the problem of crime. However, the more effective solution is to provide people with better education so that they do not become criminals.To what extent do you agree or disagree.


很多考鸭的立场是这样的:better education 和 prison 都好都有用,因此一样有效,一团和气,不得罪任何人,那考官就要得罪你了。



我们来想想如何处理。首先,让考鸭们无法释怀的一点,prison 和 better education 都是有效的,其次,再问问你的心,到底哪个更有效?多数人会觉得是 better education 吧


长远看来,better education 更有效;但是针对一些 better education 无法改善的人,仍然需要 prison.即prison 是 better education 的补充


1. 为什么 better education 更有效

2. better education 无法改善的人是谁



Opinions differ on the extent to which incarceration deals effectively with crime as opposed to improving the quality of education. My view is that there will always be a role for prisons in confining evil people, but better education is more likely to reduce crime levels.

主体段1:讨论 prison 的作用

Confining criminals to prison is likely to always be necessary at least to some extent. There are currently a large number of people in jail for serious offences like murder and, for them, preventive education would come too late. It is more important that society continue to be protected from them than to release them in the hope that they might reform by virtue of educational programmes. Another reality is the fact that some people choose to commit serious wrongdoings no matter how much education they have received. This is the case for many white-collar crimes such as fraud which often involve the elaborate schemes that only very intelligent people could devise.

1) 犯了谋杀罪等重罪的大量囚犯,靠防止犯罪的教育来改变他们,已经太迟了。保护人们不受他们的伤害,比释放他们并指望通过教育来改造他们,更重要。

2) 有些人无论接受了多少教育,都会选择犯罪。很多白领犯罪,比如诈骗,就是需要高智商的人才能设计出来的。

主体段2:讨论 better education 的作用

Nevertheless, improvements to education would, in my view, be a better means of reducing the number of people who want to commit crime in the long-term. Acquiring more useful knowledge especially when young would provide greater opportunities for entry into satisfying careers. Further education opens up new possibilities in terms of developing healthy interests and participating in worthwhile activities such as sports and hobbies. Better education would achieve improved outcomes such as a proficiency in a sport rather than just a passing interest. The more people achieve personal goals in terms of their careers or hobbies, the more people will find meaning in life and thus not be tempted to use their talents in illegal ways.

1) 获取更多有用的知识,尤其在年轻的时候,会给人带去更大的机会,进入体面的职业。

2) 中学后的深造,为人们培养健康的兴趣和参加有意义的活动,提供了新的可能性。

3) 更好的教育能带来更好的结果,比如对某项运动转瞬即逝的兴趣变成了熟练。



In conclusion, I acknowledge the place that imprisonment will have in protecting society from serious offenders who have already committed crimes. However crime levels are more likely to fall more drastically over the longer term by reason of improvement to education.

小作文9分范文分享 饼图题型之三地水用途


The pie charts give information about the water used for residential, industrial and agricultural purposes in San Diego County, California, and the world as a whole.

It is noticeable that more water is consumed by homes than by industry or agriculture in the two American regions. By contrast, agriculture accounts for the vast majority of water used worldwide.

In San Diego County and California State, residential water consumption accounts for 60% and 39% of total water usage. By contrast, a mere 8% of the water used globally goes to homes. The opposite trend can be seen when we look at water consumption for agriculture. This accounts for a massive 69% of global water use, but only 17% and 28% of water usage in San Diego and California respectively.

Such dramatic differences are not seen when we compare the figures for industrial water use. The same proportion of water (23%) is used by industry in San Diego and worldwide, while the figure for California is 10% higher, at 33%.

(168 words, band 9)









Fresh water is a necessity in human’s daily life but how to use it varies in different societies. Some people take unlimited water consumption for granted, but others think that it is governments’ obligation to control fresh water as it is limited.

It is true that most residents in developed countries and coastal nations do not need to worry about the shortage of fresh water. Sophisticated infrastructures and sufficient precipitation can guarantee sufficient water supply. What all these occupants need to do is paying the bills. They can use as much water as they want as long as they can afford it. Thus, it is undoubted that some of them hold the opinion that they can utilize the resource freely.

It may be true that many other people do not need to concern about water consumption, but it is also a fact that a large number of inhabitants in many developing countries have no access to clean water because of its scarcity. In those countries, natural environment and climate like droughts have a negative effect on water supply. What makes things worse, the poor situation makes water even more precious. If people use as much water as they want in those areas, it can almost be sure that water supply will fail to meet some people’s daily need. Therefore, it is reasonable that local officials limit the individual water use and punish the people who waste it.

In my opinion, fresh water should not be used without any restrictions. Water supply depends so heavily on natural environment that it can be regarded as limited resource in some countries. Water conservation, whether it is advocated by government or not, is what people should insist on.


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