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1. What do you think are the differences between home schooling and studying at school?

There are a lot of differences between them. Home schooling is more personalized and focused on the individual student's needs, whereas the personal attention is not available in schools because there are other students. Studying at home allows the student to spend more time on the subject he is interested in or questions he doesn't understand. However, in school, the students can develop their communication skills during the class discussion or school activities. So there are good points and drawbacks in both types of studying.

2. What do you think learning theoretical material is emphasized more than learning practical skills?

Learning theoretical material can help you to develop practical skills. I thinks it would be better to keep a balance between theoretical material studying and hand-on experience. But now, most of schools in China put too much emphasis on theoretical teaching because the students are expected to get high marks in exams. Unfortunately, most of the information the students learn in the classroom is not quite useful when it comes to a real job.

3. Do you think education system in China should be reformed?

The education system in China is now under reforming. We are noticing the government is trying to make progress in several aspects. You can see the primary schools change their schooling time to 8AM to 4PM instead of 7AM to 5PM. Thus the students have more time to sleep and relax instead of studying intensively. Besides, the schools have adjusted their subjects arrangements by adding some hand-on courses to help students develop practical ability. Personally speaking, experience is the better teacher, if students can be offered courses with lots of useful information and practice opportunities, as you know, a well-rounded education, they will find jobs more easily.



Our education system is not perfect and complete yet.


education n. 教育

system n. 系统,体系,制度,体制

complete a. 完整的,完善的

Not everybody can get into the top universities.


university n. 大学

A good recommendation can sometimes make or break your application.


recommendation n. 推荐信,介绍信

application n. 申请,请求

make or break“使…要么成功要么失败”

Many students can't afford the tuition and supplementary fees each year.


tuition n. 掌费

supplementary a. 增补的,补充的,追加的

fee n. 费用

An advanced degree is no guarantee of an ideal job.


advanced a. 的,高等的

degree n. 学位

guarantee n. 起保证作用的事物 v. 保证

The government or schools should offer more scholarships to students.


scholarship n. 奖学金

It is the teachers who influence the students most.


Teachers are the most import factors in the education system.


influence v. 影响,起作用 n. 影响,作用

It's effective to use new technologies as aids in classroom teaching.


effective a. 有效的

Some schools offer not only regular theory but also vocational and technical training.


regular a. 常规的,惯例的

theory n. 理论

vocational a. 职业的

technical a. 专门的,技术性的


On Education谈论教育

Wang Ping: I'm looking for a little background about the English education system.


Jackson: I'm delighted to help. What can I tell you?


Wang Ping: I would like a general outline to begin with, if that's OK.


Jackson: Fine. Perhaps I'd better begin from the beginning.

Children start school at about the age of five. From five to eleven, they attend primary school. At eleven, they transfer to secondary school.


Wang Ping: I see. And how long do they stay there?


Jackson: Well, 16 is the soonest they are allowed to leave, but many choose to stay and continue until they are 18. A third option o for kids in this age range is to enroll in

technical college. These schools offer not only regular theory but also vocational and technical training.


Wang Ping: So they could train students in. say, bricklaying or car mechanics?


Jackson: Yes, that's the sort of thing.


Wang Ping: How many secondary school students go on to university?


Jackson: Still a minority. Less than twenty percent of eighteen-year-olds go to university.



· Are college tuitions reasonable?

· Are most schools coeducational in your country?

· Are there any subjects/classes you wanted to study but they weren't available at your school/college?

· Are there good universities in your country? Which ones?

· Are women encouraged to pursue education?

· Do you have difficulty with school work?

· Do you think teachers are paid enough?

· Do you think your school is a good one? Why/why not?

· Do you think your teachers give too much homework?

· How long must you go to university to get a degree?

· How much is too much homework? How should the homework load be managed?

· If you have not attended university, do you plan on doing so?

· Is it difficult for people without a university education to get good jobs where you live?

· What are some important factors in determining which university to attend?

· What are the qualities of a good student?

· What are the qualities of a good teacher?

· What is the average age of a high school graduate?

· What is your favorite class?

· What was (or is) your favorite subject? Why do you like it?

· Who selects the university you will attend -- you or your parents?

· Why are you studying a foreign language?

· Why do you think people become teachers?

· Why is it helpful to learn a second language ?

· Why is it sometimes very difficult to speak another language?

· Would you consider studying abroad? If so, why?

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