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Earthquakes are the most dangerous and deadly of all natural events.They occur in many parts of the world.Giant earthquakes have been recorded in Iran,China,Guatemala,Chile,India,and Alaska.Two of the biggest earthquakes that were ever recorded took place in China and Alaska.These earthquakes measured about 8.5ontheRichter Scale.


The Richter Scale was devised by Charles Richter in 1935 to compare the energy level of earthquakes.An earthquake that measures a 2 on the scale can be felt but causes little damage.One that measures 4.5 on the scale can cause slight damage,and an earthquake that has a

reading of over 7 can cause major damage.It is important to note that a reading of 4indicates an earthquake ten times as strong as one with predict those a reading of 3.So scientists want to be able to earthquakes that have a reading of over 4 on the Richter Scale.

里氏震级是1935年查尔斯 • 里克特发明的,用来比较地震的能量等级。里氏地震级测出的2级地震可以感觉到,但几乎没什么破坏;测出的4.5级地震能够造成轻微破坏,等级超过7级的地震会带来重大破坏。必须注意的是,等级为4级的地震表明其强度是等级为3级的10倍。所以,科学家想要预测的就是那些等级超过里氏4级的地震。

How do earthquakes occur? Earthquakes are caused by the shifting of rocks along cracks,or faults,in the earth's crust.The fault is produced when rocks near each other are pulled in different directions.The best-knownfault in North America is the San Andreas fault in the state of California in the United States.


Can earthquakes be predicted? Scientists are working on programs to predict the time and place of earthquakes.They hope to develop an early warning system that can be used to forecast earthquakes so that people can be saved.


The nations that are actively involved in earthquake prediction programs include Japan,China,Russia,and the United States.These countries have set up seismic networks in areas of their countries where earthquakes are known to occur.These networks are on the alert for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can precede an earthquake.Many kinds of seismic instruments are used by the networks to monitor the movements of the earth's crust.The scientists also check water in deep wells.They watch for changes in the water level and temperature that are associated with movement along faults.



Describe a bad weather experience you have had.

You should say:

what sort of bad weather it was

when it happened

where you were when it happened

and explain how it affected you.

Well, I am from England, and in England, we love to talk about the weather! I can recall one particularly extraordinary day, when bad weather brought my city of Sheffield to a standstill. I am going to tell you what the weather was like, where I was when it happened and how it affected me I still shiver as I recall it!

I woke up on a December morning about four years ago and the first thing I noticed was that it was really really quiet. It is hard to describe if you have never experienced it, but after a thick snowfall, everything sounds different. The snow had fallen feet deep onto the ice, it was really treacherous even trying to walk in these conditions. Where I live in Sheffield, it is incredibly hilly. Snow ploughs had cleared the major roads, but this had exposed dangerous thick black ice underneath which was impossible to walk across. The combination of ice and steep slopes meant that I was sliding around everywhere and so was everyone else.

My normal walk to work would have taken me perhaps 30 minutes, but on this day it took over three times that long as I had to negotiate the tricky roads and paths. We stayed at work long enough to phone people to cancel appointments and confirm we were shut, and then I had the same long trek home in the snow again. I was exhausted by the time I got back!

It was quite an experience, it made me appreciate how much we should respect the elements. I felt safe at first because it was an urban environment, and usually, we don’t get much disruption due to bad weather there, but really the snow and ice made it unnavigable for the next few days.





A: Do you think that climate change is responsible for the recent floods?

B: It could be. There are floods in this country almost every year, but in recent years they have been more widespread and more frequent.

A: It seems that the climate in this country is changing.

B; The summers are hotter. The last three summers have been the hottest for the past 200 years. There have also been stronger winds.

A: I think that the changing climate is a sign that we are causing too much damage to the environment.

B; I think you’re right. Climate change naturally over time, but I think that human activities are speeding up the change. I wish that government would join together and try to resolve the problem.

A: Me too. If we don’t do something soon, It might be too late.


A: Are there any interesting stories in the newspaper today?

B; There are a few stories about natural disasters. There is a massive forest fire in Australia. It covers several square kilometers of land has destroyed many more square kilometers.

A; Was it caused accidentally or naturally? Sometimes it gets so hot that fires begin naturally in Australia and Africa.

B: Nobody knows at the moment, but it has been very hot there recently. The drought in Africa is causing starvation. Millions of people have migrated to try and find food.

A: What is the international community doing to help?

B; The European union has sent several plants with relief supplies. Several countries have sent soldiers to distribute food and medical supplies. Refugee camps have been set up across the region.

A: How many countries have been affected?

B: Six have been seriously affected, but the refugees are also migrating to several surrounding countries.

A; I saw on the tv yesterday that there has been another earthquake in iran.

B; Yes. There have been a few there recently. They say that this one was not a big quake. The Iranians are dealing with it on their own. They have purchased some special equipment to find people buried under rubble.

A; Does the newspaper say anything about casualties?

B; So far, less than 20 people have died, but over 100 are in hospital.

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