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今天的传统文化,已经和其他所有非物质文化遗产一样, 频临灭绝, 急需保护。这篇关于雅思culture话题口语,希望对你们有帮助。


Ok, well one of the foreign cultures I’m most interested in at the moment is American culture, so that’s what I’ve decided to talk about.

And as for what I know about it, well if I’m gonna be totally honest with you, I really don’t know that much, mainly because I haven’t yet been to the States, so I’m no expert in any sense of the word, but one thing I think is fair to say is that Americans really love sports, especially basketball and baseball. And I’ve also heard that, apparently, universities in America offer a lot of sports scholarships, so I think this goes to show that being good at sport is pretty highly-regarded over there, and is a strong part of their culture.

So that’s one thing, and I think I’m also right in saying that rap and hip hop are very popular kinds of music in the States, because I’ve noticed that in a lot of Hollywood films I’ve watched, this type of music seems to appear quite a lot, although I have to admit that I find it really difficult to understand what exactly is being said or sung in the songs!

But anyway, with regard to why I find the American culture interesting, well firstly, I guess one reason would be that it’s completely different to our culture over here, and that’s kind of what makes it so appealing to know more about. I mean, just to give you one example, the way food’s cooked in America, on the whole, is a lot different to here, as over there they tend to use an oven for most of their cooking, whereas here in China, we tend to fry most of our food. And as well as this, I think another thing that makes the American culture interesting is the fact that it encompasses so many things that I wasn’t aware of before, so learning about it has really broadened my mind.

And this, I would say, is the beauty of learning other cultures, because for me at least, making an effort to understand a little bit about U.S. culture has definitely given me a wider perspective on life.

So yeah, that’s pretty much all I’ve got to say, so thanks for listening.


母题:Multi-cultural societies, in which there is amixture of different ethnic peoples, bring morebenefits than drawbacks to a country. To whatextent do you agree or disagree? (060825)

提示:多元文化multiculturalism的好处是促进文化的融合,鼓励思维的多样性,带动社会创新。而缺点则可能导致文化同化cultural assimilation,会导致民族间的文化冲突cultural conflict.





一、Chinese unique artworks


Chinese paper-cutting 剪纸

embroidery 刺绣

Chinese knot 中国结

clay figurine 泥人

seal carving 篆刻

wood carving 木雕

paper lantern 灯笼

blue calico 蓝印花布

oil-paper umbrella 油纸伞

origami 折纸手工

1. The classic Chinese art satisfactorily demonstrates the successive and advanced culture, successfully embodies the outstanding essence of Chinese culture. 中国传统艺术是杰出先进文化的代表,成功体现了中华文化的优秀精华。

2. Chinese handicrafts have uniquely demonstrated the charm of the oriental art. 中国的手工艺品有独特的东方艺术魅力

3. Chinese embroidery is an essential cultural heritage of Chinese culture, which has a very important status for Chinese History of Art and Crafts


4. Chinese embroidery has carried forward and integrated the national spirit and national aesthetic consciousness that have been passed along generations, with the essential elements and symbols from traditional images.


5. It is the treasure of Chinese traditional culture, which has been world-widely famous for its complexity, refinement, extensiveness and profoundness. 文化的瑰宝, 素以复杂精妙,博大精深闻名于世

6. Along with the globalization, non-material cultural heritage has become increasingly important in building the national soft strength.


7. Modern ceramic art is a special art form, by which the artists use the ceramic material to express the aesthetic concepts of modern society and the sentiments among people, nature and society.


8. Brush painting and calligraphy are ancient Chinese arts; they are treasures of Chinese civilization of thousands of years.


二、The rare artworks in china


Hangzhou embroidery 杭绣

filigree 花丝镶嵌

glassware 料器

Kingfisher Craft 点翠工艺

Tenon-and-mortise work 榫卯

1. Nowadays, our traditional culture, like all other non-material culture legacy, is on the verge of extinction, which needs the urgent protection.

今天的传统文化,已经和其他所有非物质文化遗产一样, 频临灭绝, 急需保护。

2. The spreading of Intangible Cultural Heritage is dynamic and alive, which depends on people who pass along generations through oral instruction and rote memory. That is called the spirit of craftsman. 非物质文化遗产的传播是一种动态的,活态的传播,主要以人为载体,以口传心授的方式进行代际传承,这就是所谓的工匠精神

3. The traditional Chinese culture is rich, extensive and profound.


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