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Task:In many countries traditional foods are replaced by international fast foods. This is having a negative effect on families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



1. 是一种及时食用的食物(ready-to-eat food),节约人们的时间和精力。

2. 是一种物美价廉的食物,对穷人而言很关键。

3. 是一个庞大的产业链,提供就业和税收。


1. 包含太多脂肪,盐和糖分,而没有维他命和矿物质,导致健康问题。

2. 培养了一种宅的生活方式。

3. 导致传统饮食文化的消失。


With the ever-accelerated pace of modern life, international fast foods have invaded almost every individual’s life. Currently, many regular fast food eaters prefer to eat out in KFC rather than eat traditional foods at home. Some people maintain that the popularization of the fast foods exert a detrimental influence on both families and community. To voice my opinion, fast foods have pros and cons.

Indeed, the downsides triggered by eating too much fast foods should never be ignored. Seen from the personal angle, the family bonds are not as intimate as it used to be if all the family members are in no mood to enjoy family meals. Although cooking at home might be troublesome and time-consuming, it offers unique happiness our lives need and healthy meals our bodies need. On the part of the society, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It usually does not compose a balanced diet and is low in nutritional value. In this sense, those regular fast food eaters are doomed to suffer from the decline of health index, consequently, the basic quality of a nation’s population will also decline.

Nevertheless, under no circumstances can we lose sight of the immense value of fast foods. For a start, the majority of the city dwellers would rather choose fast good as their staple diet, as life at fast pace does not leave them much time and energy to prepare a sumptuous meal at home after a day’s work. Furthermore, it is not objective to believe that all the fast foods are low in nutritional value, actually, many set meals include wholesome ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. To make the final point, western food exerts a peculiar fascination on the younger generation. Meanwhile, KFC or Mcdonald restaurants’ well-mannered service and super-cozy environment attract many regular eaters at their leisure time.

Despite the various conveniences fast food brings, modern citizens should be discouraged from over-consuming the fast food for the very sake of their own well-being. Instead, cooking at home and having a balanced diet may serve as an alternative way to achieve the general health and the enjoyment of sharing dishes with family.


Fast food is now universally available in most countries and is becoming increasingly popular. Some feel that this is a positive trend, while others do not.

What are your opinions on this?

Key words analysis

• fast food: 快餐食品,方便食品

• universally: 普遍地,到处地

• available: 可以获得的,可以接触到的

• increasingly: 越来越多地,逐渐增加地

• positive trend: 正面的,良好的趋势

• while: 做连词,可以表示当… 的时候,还可以表示轻微转折,表示然而,但是。


• 这是属于议论文中的argument类型,通常需要作者发表自己对于论题的观点。该题可采用发表个人见解,并给出论据进行支持。

Possible reasons:

• 众所周知,吃太多快餐对健康极为不利

• 很多快餐店做广告吸引儿童,从而影响他们的饮食习惯

• 对国内一些餐饮企业造成了压力


There are various different perspectives on the issue of fast food. Some people believe that this kind of food has a positive role to play in the world because of its convenience and low cost; however, I would argue that it is harmful both to the people who eat it and to society at large. There are two main reasons for this.

Main body 1

Firstly, it is a well-known fact that eating too much fast food is extremely unhealthy. Foods such as fried chicken, hamburgers and chips contain a great deal of fat and salt, which cause major health problems like high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease. Although I certainly agree that fast food is both cheap and convenient, the illnesses it causes when we get older are very expensive and it is the taxpayer who often has to pay for this

Model Essay 1 – Part 2

Main body 2

In addition to this, many fast food restaurants advertise to children in order to influence their future eating habits. The McDonalds clown is a good example of this kind of advertising. Ronald McDonald's bright clothes and smile are clearly designed to attract the attention of children, who then push their parents to take them to McDonalds. I believe the restaurant does this because, it feels that children who grow up eating in McDonalds are likely to become lifelong customers. Interestingly, McDonalds also provides playgrounds and holds children's birthday parties to get busy parents through the door.


In conclusion, I once again restate my view that fast food has a negative effect on our lives because of the health problems it causes and the way that last food chains try to change the eating habits of children.


What are your opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of “fast food” and “traditional food” ?你认为快餐和传统饮食的优点与缺点是什么?

When we talk about fast food,we are referring to food such as hamburgers, chips, etc., that can be cooked easily, and is generally sold by restaurants to be eaten quickly or taken away, while “traditional food” is elaborately prepared, usually at home, using traditional methods.

Fast food, as its name implies, is usually quick to prepare. When making sandwiches, for example, you take a slice of ham plus two pieces of bread and put them together-that' s all there is to it. This presents a great advantage in this fast-moving modern society. It saves you a lot of time, so that you can devote more energy to your work and gain a competitive edge. Moreover, sandwiches are easy to make, and you don' t have to be a good cook to prepare your lunch or dinner. The ingredients are ready-made, and all you have to do is to put them together. However, some people frown on fast food, believing that it is less tasty and less nutritious. Some people even call fast food “junk food.”

On the other hand, traditional foods generally involve elaborate preparations. Because of all the efforts you invest in the preparation of such meals, they usually look and taste better, which may enhance your appetite. The cooking of traditional food accommodates a number of factors, such as color, smell and taste, and most importantly, nutrition. Besides, the cuisine that is related to traditional food is part of any culture. But the cooking of traditional food tends to be time-consuming, involves the use of utensils and takes time to learn. On top of all this, traditional meals are usually much more expensive than fast food.

Fast food started out as an expedient to cater to those who can' t afford the time to cook or the expense of traditional food. Now it has become part of our life. Like it or not, it is here to stay. On the other hand, traditional food is an inalienable part of our culture, which we can' t afford to give up. So, all in all, the co-existence of the two kinds of foods only makes our life more colorful.

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