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1.Where is your hometown?

My hometown is on the south-east coast of Northern Ireland. It’s called Dundrum and it’s about 1 hour south of the capital city.

2.What do you like about it?

It’s an area of outstanding natural beauty and for me, one of the most beautiful places of earth. It has everything; fantastic beaches, rolling mountains, dense forests and picturesque countryside.

3.What do you not like about it?

It can be a little bit boring because it’s really tiny. There are only a few small shops and a couple of pubs and that’s it! In the summer, it’s OK because you can enjoy the outdoors but it would be nice to have a few more indoor facilities for the winter.

4.How often do you visit your hometown?

Not as much as I should. I only get to visit about once a year now to see my family because I’m really busy with work and it’s quite far away, but I hope to visit more in the future.

5.What’s the oldest part of your hometown?

There is an old Norman castle that sits on top of the highest hill of the town. It’s a ruin now, but there are some breathtaking views from it and it’s easy to see why they chose that site for a castle, because you can see for miles around.

6.Do many people visit your town?

Thousands of tourists visit every summer. They come from the capital city mostly to get away from the hustle and bustle and enjoy the peace and quiet. There are more and more international tourists visiting because lots of scenes from the TV show ‘Game of Thrones’ were shot just outside the village.

7.Is there any way your hometown could be made better?

As I said before, the best thing about the town is its rural beauty and you can’t really improve that. If I had to say something, it would be to improve the roads, they are in a terrible state and cause a few car accidents every year.



My hometown is Hangzhou, the capital/provincial city and biggest city in Zhejiang province. It’s situated in the lower reaches of Qiantang River, the best position in Yangtz Delta. It has a population of about 5 million, but in recent years, more and more immigrants settle down here. Hangzhou is especially famous/noted for the west lake, which has breath-taking sunrise and sunset.


provincial city,immigrant,settle down,be noted for,breath-taking

1. Developed/developing city /Booming economy /Abundant job opportunities

2. Places for entertainment/amusement,Pubs, cinemas, theaters, clubs of various themes

3. Make friends with people having different culture backgrounds,Enrich the knowledge,Broaden the horizons

4. Living environment

Fresh air,Greenery,Peaceful,Tranquil/tranquility

5. City facilities made for the senior/elderly

Welfare system,Guarantee of retirement life,Advanced medical service



I live in Beijing, a typical metropolis with booming economy, a dense population and various places for entertainment. People can choose different life styles here. For instance, the city could be fashionable for the large-scaled shopping malls; it could also be cultural for the ancient buildings and museums.

My hometown is a middle-scaled city with a small population, developing economy and limited places for entertainment. Life of the local people is quite routine. They work, study and enjoy the leisure time. Thanks to the relatively low living cost and peaceful environment, living here is relaxing and less competitive.


Topic: How does your hometown differ?

My name is Paul Walker. I'm from the United States. And my question is: how does your hometown area differ from the rest of the country? I'm from a part of Texas called the hill country. Many people have the conception that Texas is a flat arid dessert area, and this couldn't be farther from the truth. The hill country is characterized by lots of hills, wooded areas, rivers, canyons, and valleys. There's a lot of wildlife there: deer, wildboar, javelinas, turkey.

The town I'm from Fredericksburg Texas was originally settled by German immigrants. It was a farming community that grew into a large farming and ranching area. Over the years it has turned into a tourist destination because of the beauty of the area and the desirability of people who want to live and vacation in this part of Texas. There's lots of shopping, small towns, parks, rivers and lakes for all kinds of outdoor activities and some very historical areas also.

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