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1.Are your friends mostly your age or different age? Why?

Most of my friends are my age and I have a few friends who are senior to me. The reason I have friends of my age is because they were mostly my classmates initially and then became my good friends. Majority of my friends are from my high school and college and that naturally make them to be my age.

2.Do you prefer one or two close friends or many friends?

When I was in my early teenage, I preferred many friends but nowadays I have few friends but they are very close to me. So I would say, I prefer having few close friends than having too many ordinary friends.

3.Do you usually see your friends during week or at weekends? Why?

I usually see my friends during weekends. Week days are busy days and after I get back home in the evening, I prefer to stay at home with my family members.

4.Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends?

I usually prefer to be with my friends. However there are times when I need my personal time and in this case I prefer solitude rather than companies.

5.The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?

Well, we played badminton together and had our dinner in a nearby restaurant. That’s the last thing I can recall doing with my friends and that would about a week ago.

6.What do you prefer: going out with your friends or spending your spare time staying at home?

That depends. Sometimes I prefer being with my friends and sometimes I prefer staying at home with my family members. I try to maintain a balance in terms of spending time with my friends and with my family. For example, while playing any outdoor sports, I prefer going out with friends.

7.Do you have many friends? Why? Why not?

As I've already said, I had many friends when I was in my high school. But these days I have comparatively fewer close friends.

8.Are friends as important to you as family?

To me my family is more important. However, this does not make my friends less important to me. Naturally family comes first for almost everybody and then the friendship. I am no exception.

雅思口语话题范文friends on facebook


1.What do you think about making friends on Facebook?

2.Does a list of 500 friends make sense to you?

3.Does Facebook change the meaning of friendship?

4.What is a true friendship in your opinion?

Sample answers:

1.It’s fun! It’s normal nowadays to have a lot of friends on Facebook and other social media. It’s more interesting than just having friends where you live. But it’s different, obviously, because you don’t see them or go places with them, but it’s still fun.

go places with 和....一起出去

2.Well, the term ‘friend’ is just a name given by Facebook, obviously not everybody who likes your page or comments on something you said is a friend in the traditional sense of the word. I suppose if you thought about all the people you ever had contact with in your life, from school, college, work and other social activities, if you kept a note of their name then you would have more than 500 by now … so I don’t think it’s that strange that people have thousands of ‘friends’ on Facebook or Twitter. Maybe it would be more accurate to call them contacts, but it doesn’t really matter.

3.No, not really. I still hang out with my friends and we go out at the weekends and do stuff together. Friends on Facebook are different, in the past some people used to write letters to people in other countries like penpals,I guess you could think of facebook as something similar but it’s obviously much more advanced and you can do much more than just write to people.

hang out 出去玩

4.It’s having a relationship with another person and you have something in common. Maybe you went to the same school or you’re interested in the same things. You share time and experiences together and that makes for a bond. Long term friendship usually means there is also trust and confidence between the two people and they are willing to help each other if necessary. But I suppose that everyone has their own definition of friendship and what it means to them.


1.Giving back to your community will create quality memories with your friends.you're dating and let you both feel good for making a difference together.Find a local homeless shelter or animal society, spend an afternoon serving meals at a soup kitchen or a nursing home, or volunteer to work with underprivileged youth at an after-school program.

Giving back to 回馈 underprivileged 贫困的


2.Facebook gives you a way to connect with friends, no matter where your friends are living. The site offers you several ways to find long-lost friends from high school, college or previous jobs. Facebook can search your current friends' Friend List and suggest people you may know.


3.Facebook is the world’s number one social networking site and connects millions of people around the globe. Since its launch in 2004, millions of people have been able to not just find new friends from all over, but also find old childhood friends, distant relatives and former flames all because of Facebook’s search feature. With this powerful tool for Facebook friends, you’re able to search for someone using just their name or add additional criteria such as their city or school.

distant relatives 远方的亲戚 former flames 昔日的恋人

雅思口语高频话题Describe your best friend


Talk about your best friend at school.

You should say:

How did you meet him/her?

Describe him/her

What did you do together?

Why do you remember him/her?

Sample answer:

My best friend at school was a boy called John. We met on the first day at school because we were in the same class and actually sat together at the same table in the classroom. We became friends quickly because we were both crazy about playing soccer, we would play at every opportunity possible, in the morning break, at lunchtime, after school and also at weekends.

John was the same age as me, and lived only a couple of streets from where I lived. He was slightly taller than me, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was a very happy person and always laughing and joking around, except when he was playing soccer, then he was very serious about it, really, it was the only time he wasn’t making other people laugh. He was a very funny person, in fact, he still is.

I remember John especially because of all the great times we spent together, mainly playing soccer, but as we grew up we also did other things together and we were very close until his family moved away to another part of the country. We’ve kept in touch with each other over the years though and about a year ago I went to visit him and his family for a couple of days. It was great to catch up with him and find out what he’s been doing since we last saw each other.



1.Friends are people who are aware of how retarded you are and still manage to be seen in public with you. people who make you laugh till you pee your pants. people who cry for you when one of your special items disappear. when you don't have enough money to get a ice cream, they chip in. knows all of your internet passwords. who would never make you cry just to be mean.


be aware of 有...的意识 ,retard 弱智的

2.Best Friends are very special people in your life. They are the first people you think about when you make plans. They are the first people you go to when you need someone to talk to. You will phone them up just to talk about nothing, or the most important things in your life. When you’re sad they will try their hardest to cheer you up. They give the best hugs in the world! They are the shoulder to cry on, because you know that they truly care about you. In most cases they would take a bullet for you, because it would be too painful to watch you get hurt.


3.Haley's my friend because she gets every problem and always makes me feel better when I'm down and she has the same type of humor as me so we could probably just occupy ourselves all day by making jokes that know one but me and her would find funny, we laugh a lot and sometimes just to break the silence will randomly laugh than we can't stop laughing and we don't know why. We know what each other are thinking even when we aren't saying anything. We have made it through a lot together and that is what made our friendship strong. Sometimes to find the good in a situation you must first see the bad.

We have made it through a lot together and that is what made our friendship strong.这句话可以翻译成我们一起经历了很多事情,这让我们的友谊更坚固。

randomly laugh 可以翻译成任性的大笑

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