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Do you like furniture?

What furniture will you buy in the future?

How much do you think it is reasonable for purchasing furniture?

What is your favorite furniture?

What is your principle of choosing furniture?

Do you chink laptop or computer is a type of furniture?

Why do many people buy some second-hand furniture?

Where do you usually buy furnirure?

Are there any changes about furniture in past 10 years?

What is the difference between the Western furniture and Chinese furniture?

How do people dispose the old furniture?


1. Do you like furniture?

Certainly. Fancy- furniture in the house can naturally cultivate the home-like feeling and we could be surrounded by our furniture for the whole life time, so there is no reason for not liking it.

亮点1 cultivate the home-like feeling:营造一种家的氛围。

亮点2 so there is no reason for not liking it:所以没有理由不喜欢它。

2. What furniture will you buy in the future?

I need a huge shoe cabinet. According to my observation, 80% of the mess in my apartment is started with tossing shoes around. Therefore,a giant shoe cabinet is on my list.

亮点 80% of the mess in my apartment is started with tossing shoes around. Therefore, a giant shoe cabinet is on my list:屋子里80%的凌乱都来自到处乱扔的鞋子。因此,我急需一个超级大的鞋柜。on my list有很多意思,比如“you are on my list”的意思就是你已经上了我的黑名单。


Describe a piece of furniture in your home

You should say:

What is it

What is the material

Who choose the furniture

How do you like this furniture

Describe a piece of furniture that you own


1. 适用人群:全适用

2. 主题:扶手椅子

3. 故事线:本题讲了一款从朋友那淘来的二手单人沙发,其较大的特点就是舒适。

I'm going to talk about my favourite chair. It's a big, leather armchair that sits in my living room at home, just under my living room window.

I didn't actually buy the armchair. One of my friends was moving house and was going to buy some new furniture. I had always liked his leather armchair, so he said I could have it if I managed to move it. The chair wouldn't fit in my car, and it was tricky to get it out of my friend's apartment. I had to hire a small van to take the armchair home.

Obviously I use the armchair for sitting! It's my favourite place in the house to relax, read a book, watch TV or even do some work; the chair's arms are quite wide and flat, so my laptop fits nicely on either of them. Last night I fell asleep in my armchair while I was watching a film.

The main reasons why I like this piece of furniture are that it's comfortable and it's in the perfect position in my living room. The only drawback might be that I enjoy sitting in the armchair too much, and sometimes I think it makes me lazy!


地道用词:sits in my living room;fit in my car

动词叠用:relax, read a book, watch TV or even do some work

高分句型:The main reasons why I like this piece of furniture are that …

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