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1. 只要有家族企业,就会有家族企业的累世宿仇。

As long as there are family businesses, there will be family business feuds.

2. 本文则是针对中国家族企业内部治理模式问题的研究。

This dissertation focuses on the research of China family business internal administration pattern.

3. 因此,中小型家族企业管理模式必须不断完善和创新。

So the middle and small scale family business management pattern must unceasinglyconsummate and innovate.

4. 关于旧式家族企业的正确说法是。

It's true of the old family firms that .

5. 这在很大程度上阻碍了家族企业的发展。

All those above are main obstacles for further development of Chinese family businesses.

6. 这是一项家族企业职工参与的案例研究。

This article is a case study of workers participation in a family enterprise.

7. 我国家族企业发展的路径选择是非正式制度的创新。

In order to make development, family enterprises in our country need innovation of informalinstitution.

8. 论文首先分析了泉州家族企业的文化背景。

First it analyses the culture background of the household business enterprise.

9. 这家公司已经从家族企业变成现代化企业。

The company has been transformed into a modern one from a family business.

10. 家族企业应当树立什么样的经营哲学?

What operating philosophy should family firms build up?

11. 第二部分着重论述家族企业管理体制的现状。

The second part greatly emphases on present condition of the family management system.

12. 这些问题都是我国家族企业值得深思的问题。

These issues are worthy of serious consideration of China's family business.

13. 第一部分是对家族企业的定义以及理论综述。

The first part is about how to define family firm and related theories.

14. 中国许多私营企业都是家族企业,而三一不是。

Many of China's private enterprises are family businesses, while the three one is not.

15. 全面、准确地把握家族企业的本质特征是正确认识家族企业的关键。

To grasp the essence is the key to understand the family enterprise.


What the business it:家族企业名字,这里扩充一下企业的经营业务,企业的历史等等。

How you know it:如何得知这个企业,可以是知名的,可以是广告,可以是从小就用这个牌子,毕竟娃哈哈也喝了一整个童年了。

What products it sells:这个企业卖什么产品,这个话题内容是核心,考生们可以多详细描述,比如生产家具的,是什么家具,家具价格等等。

Who the customers are:关于客户人群,可以是年轻人,老年人,中外客户,残疾人,甚至是宠物等。可以强调因为这个产品的哪些特点深受用户喜爱。

And how you like it:关于你对这个家族企业产品的观点,这是一道开放性问题,可以选择喜欢或者不喜欢。也可以一开始不喜欢,现在喜欢。


You should say:

What the business it

How you know it

What products it sells

Who the customers are

And how you like it


What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business?

How to be a successful businessman in your country?

Do people in your country like to work for big companies or small companies?

Do you think globalization is a positive development?


The LUCRATIVE SMALL-SCALE business that I'd like to talk about today is a boutique that I patronize, named "She Loves".

As a fashion shop, it sells an array of women's wear and specialize in dresses and blouses. Although they're not tailor-made clothes, customers can almost always find an outfit that fits them at "She Loves" because the shop will have the clothes adjusted, free of charge - I should add. There's also a range of chic accessories such as clutch purses and belts.

If I'm not mistaken, "She Loves" has been up and running for 2 years. What I find impressive about the shop is that within such a short period of time, its sales figures have soared and its business profile has been enhanced significantly. Its Facebook has at least 350.000 followers and there are hundreds of orders per month from different areas in the country. What's more, the shop's always packed with people shopping or browsing.

I knew about the shop by random, seeing its banner ad when surfing the net. Captivated by the dresses advertised, I clicked on the ad and have visited its website at least once a week out of a habit since then. Also, I drop by the physical store more than twice a month, especially when there are new arrivals.

If I had to give an explanation for my liking for the shop, I'd definitely say that I'm really content with the various products, plus the enthusiasm of the staff there. Despite being a family business, to my surprise, the shop operates really professionally. Besides, as it's a clicks-and-mortar business, I can conveniently do the shopping right at home. "She loves" is surely always on the list of my favorite boutiques.

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