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题目:Tell me about a book you have read.


1. which book it was and when you read it?

2. what feelings you had whilst reading it?

3. if you have read other books by the same author?

4. and how it influenced you, if at all.


1. What kind of books do people in your country like to read?

2. Do you think that people’s tastes in books changes as they get older?

3. Do men and women like to read the same types of books?

4. In the future, do you think that books printed on paper will disappear?

5. What do you think are the qualities of a good book?


I am reading How to win friends and influence people recently and I love that. It is one of the first best-selling self-help books ever published, written by Dale Carnegie.

How to win friends and influence people firsttells us that 15 percent of one's success is due to technical knowledge. However, 85 percent is due to skill in human engineering -- personality and the ability to lead people. And then the book is like a practical methodology introduces the ways of how to handle people and interact with each other.

I like to read those self-help books because they encourage me a lot and remind me of mistakes I have made in daily life and help me works effectively on human relations. Moreover, those books are not based on dry theory, but on the experiences of the writer and short stories of famous people from different area who are politicians, writers and leaders in companies. Their stories make the book more fun and persuasive.


You should say:

When you read it

What type/kind of book it i

What it is about

Why you read it/why it is exciting

一本我读过的让人振奋的书是《The Lonely Planet》,它是一本内容很丰富的世界畅销旅行指南。

An exciting book that I have read is the Lonely Planet, which is a very popular and informative traveling book in the world.


The first time I read it was during the last Christmas. I saw an advertisement about this book series, and immediately bought it on JD Read, which is an online book selling platform. It was a must for me during that time because I wanted it to be my helpful tour guide when I was traveling around New Zealand.


I thought this book was quite worthwhile reading, because there’s not only a lot of vivid pictures and maps which indicated some cultural aspects about New Zealand, but also provided up some up-to-date contact information of so many awesome hotels, cafeterias and museums, etc.


What made me feel very excited about this book was that it enabled me to find a very wonderful and quiet resort that was not known to most travels in New Zealand. This resort had first class service, and provided us tasty breakfast without charge. This place also allowed me to make some Maori friends who taught me a lot useful Maori expressions. I spend my most memorable two weeks there during the whole last year.


1. open book

你和外教一起聊天的时候,外教有么有说你是open book呢?你是不是纳闷了,怎么用翻书来形容别人?open book并不是翻开书的意思, 而是说你是一个非常坦率的人。在形容人的时候用到open book,其实是在形容这个人极坦率很容易看透,可以很好交流。


I'd always thought of William as an open book. 我觉得William是个坦率的人。也翻译成一目了然的事。

I have no secrets; my life is an open book. 我没有什么秘密,我的生活是尽人皆知的事情

2.closed book

有一次,有一个翻译题,里面有一句话,The man's early life is a closed book,大家基本上都翻译成,“那个人的早年生活是一本封闭的书”,其实,应该翻译成秘密,不为人知的事情,如果有人说这个事情对他来说是closed book,就表示,他对这件事一窍不通,很多事情我们不懂,是因为不读书,所以"合上书",就代表不了解,一无所知。


English is a closed book to me. 英语对我来说是学不明白了!

3.cook the books

cook the books可不是煮书,Cook the books与“食谱”没有半点联系,它指的是“造假帐;篡改财务报表”。现代意义上的“cook”(烹饪)最早可追溯到14世纪,源于拉丁词汇coquu(由它衍生出concoct,意思是“编造;炮制”),到了17世纪cook在俚语中指“篡改、作假”语言学家认为这层含义与烹饪意义上的“精心准备”是分不开的。此外,cook the books也可写做“cook the accounts”


The accountant was sacked for cooking the books/accounts. 会计师因做假帐而被解雇了。

4.have nose in a book

鼻子紧贴书本,用来形容“一个人专心致志读书”的样子,和我们 “埋头看书”



Jenny is a bookworm – she always has her nose in a book. 珍妮是一个书虫,她总在专心看书。

5.In my book

In my book在句首的时候=I think / In my opinion,另外特指"我自己写的书",但我们很少有人真的写书,大多数人在说这句话的时候是要"表明观点”


In my book, nothing is more important than English. 我认为没有什么事情比学英语更重要。

6.By the book

By是根据的意思,book是书本的意思,By the book这个习惯用语的意思是循规蹈矩。

By the book里的book最初指的是圣经。十九世纪早期在英国法庭上大家都要以圣经的名义发誓讲实话,或者说是swear by the book。By the book后来就延伸为遵守规矩、照章办事的意思了。


He is always careful to do things by the book. 他总是小心翼翼地按规章办事。

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