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Some people think that schools should stop teaching students by using books, because students find them boring and that children can learn from films, TV, video games and computer instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



In this digital age, traditional teaching modes are being replaced by technology-based ones. Textbooks, which seem less appealing to students, are advised to give way for electronic teaching tools such as video games and films. As far as I am concerned, I partly disagree with this assertion.

There is no denying that learning with multimedia contributes to improving learning effect. A case in the point is that, historical stories on the book may read boring as there are merely names of places, portraits of ancient emperors as well as date when events happened. In contrast, through a video or documentary, the scenes, objects and the facial expressions of great figures are depicted in a vivid and dynamic way, arousing students ’ interest and reinforcing their understanding of historical knowledge.

Nevertheless, printed materials are not supposed to be removed in education. The most obvious reason is that reading facilitates the development of imagination. While reading poetry, novels and other literary works, students can visualize the artistic conception, scenery and appearance of heroes in their mind. Providing that the class was taught with TV dramas or movies, this ability would be undermined as the information will be directly presented on the screen and seen in the same way by all viewers. Another significant point is that reading contents on textbook is conducive to enhance student ’ s language skills. Unlike watching films, readers are required to pay attention to the grammar, context and coherence of a passage, all of which are vital for writing skills.

In conclusion, even though it is justified to apply technology to modern education, I still advocate books should continually be used in imparting knowledge as they play significant roles in certain subjects and cultivating children into all-round individuals.


Some people think that students at schools and universities learn far more from teachers than from other resources(the Internet or television). To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为:对于其他的学习渠道,例如网络教育或者电视教育,学生在学校和大学可以和老师学习更多,是否认同?


Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a child's education thangoing to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learneffectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人认为计算机和互联网对于孩子的教育比去学校有效,有认为老师和学校对于孩子的高效学习更加重要,讨论两种观点?




1. Nowadays, computers are used more and more widely in the field of education. In which areas arecomputers more important and in which areas are teachers more important? 老师和计算机在教育领域各有什么优势?

2. In the past, lectures were used as way of teaching large number of students. But some people believe that with the development of technology, using lectures is no longer justified. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 主题演讲还是不是教授学生的有效方式?

3. Teachers used to convey information, but now with wide resources of information, there is no role for teachers to play in modern education. Do you agree or disagree? 老师过去可以传递信息,现在信息更加多元,在现代教育中老师已无作用,是否认同?

4. Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers than from others sources (such as the Internet, television). To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为:课堂教育比网络教育更有效,是否认同?

5. Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a child's education thangoing to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learneffectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 有人认为计算机和互联网对于孩子的教育比学校有效,有人认为学校和老师对于孩子的高效学习更加重要,讨论两种观点。

6. Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, the Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree?远程教育不能带来课堂教育一样的利好,是否认同?


1. 词汇替换:替换题目中的关键词汇。

2. 作家立场:确立作家立场或者写作目的。

3. 思路拓展:思考支持反驳或者解释解决的理由(或者例证)

4. 正文写作:套入准备好的句型(更加题目,灵活组合)

5. 仔细检查:检查逻辑、句法、拼写。

Tip:雅思写作没有简写,例如,不能必须写作cannot。雅思写作注意区分口语和写作词汇,例如,I think,kid,chance 都是口语词汇,尽量避免。雅思写作要定格写作,为齐头并进写法。




首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

The contrivance of the Internet and innovation of high-tech products greatly diversified people’s option of receiving education. Currently, numerous people could acquire knowledge via various teaching resources,with the popularity of on-line education, people have been debating whetherconventional teaching is as indispensable as it once was. My firm conviction is that students still oughtto follow teachers even though tele-education or television learning was available.


1. The contrivance of the Internet and innovation of high-tech products greatly diversified people’s option of receiving education. 互联网的发明以及高科技产品的创新极大地丰富了人们的教育选择。

2. Students still ought to follow teachers even though tele-education or television learning was available. 即使远程教育和电视教学可以利用,学生应该被鼓励和老师学习。


In this new era,although people’s choice to get educated has been greatly diversified, under nocircumstances can we overlook the immense value of conventional education and the indispensable roles of educators. 在新时代,尽管人们获得教育的方式更加多元化,但是,任何情况下我们不是忽视课堂教育的价值和老师的不可替代性。


Compared with on-line education, traditional classroom education enjoys more glaring merits. First, the overall efficiency of learning could be enhanced when students follow teachers those excellent educators. After all, teachers could vividly disseminate knowledge through face-to-face communication. Also, instructors can provide students with more valuable things such as the bright life outlook, moral education, and the courage to brave the challenges in life and so on .


1. Teachers could vividly disseminate knowledge through face-to-face communication. 教育者可通过面对面的交流,更加生动地传授知识。

2. Instructors can provide students with more valuable things such as the bright life outlook, moral education, and the courage to brave the challenges in life and so on . 老师可以传授更加有价值的东西,例如:乐观的人生观,道德教育,以及面对人生挑战的勇气等。


My second convincing argument is that the competitive atmosphere, the pressure from the peers and supervision from instructors could help those who lack self-regulation zero in on academic study. Meanwhile, one’s personal quality such as interpersonal skill, good speech-craft or teamwork spiritcould be fully tapped by group experience.


1. The competitive atmosphere, the pressure from the peers and supervision from instructors could help those who lack self-regulation zero in on academic study. 竞争的氛围,来自同龄人的压力,来自教育者的监督可以帮助缺乏自律性的学生专注于学习。

2 One’s personal quality such as interpersonal skill, good speechcraft or teamwork spirit could be fully tapped by group experience. 通过群体性的经历,一个人的品质,例如人际沟技能,良好口才,团队精神可以被充分地开发。


Indeed,some reasons could be found to justify that other educational sources still enjoy some merits. Initially, increasing numbers of learners could benefit from new mode of education. Specifically, tele-education not only surmounts the geographical barrier but also economizes large amounts of time. Hence, it is particularly suitable for some special groups such as disabled learners or occupied employees. Further, academic schedule could be arranged according to personal willingness.Nevertheless, I still remain suspicious of on-line education or television education because some students might revel in computer games, fascinating TV shows , and thus cannot focus on learning.


1. Tele-education not only surmounts the geographical barrier but also economizes large amounts of time. 远程教育不仅仅克服地域的障碍,也节省了大量的时间。

2. Nevertheless, I still remain suspicious of on-line education. 然而,我依然对于在线教育持有怀疑态度。

尾段:再次亮明观点 + (总结理由)

To sum up,I re-affirm my stand distance education greatly conduces to people’s study, yet, on no account can we ignore the immense value of traditional education.


1. Distance education greatly conduces to people’s study, yet, on no account can we overlook the immense value of traditional education. 远程教育有助于学生的学习,但是,我们我们不能忽视传统教育的巨大价值。



Education in Developing Countries: Problems


Children often have to work from an early age.


There are no schools in many areas.


Families do not have access to books or computers.


Literacy rates are often low.


People in developing countries need knowledge and skills.


Education is the key to improving the economy of these countries.


Education in Developing Countries: Solutions


Developed countries could help developing nations by providing money.


They could invest in schools and technology.


They could supply the funds to build schools and pay for teachers.


Children need to have access to free schooling.


Computer equipment could be donated.


The Internet can expose students to a world of knowledge and information.


Governments should make education compulsory for all children.


They should encourage parents to send their children to school.Governments

of developed and developing countries must work together.

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