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Task:Some people think that the amount of noise people make have to be controlled strictly, others say that people are free to make as much as they wish. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Sample answer:

Have you ever annoyed by unexpected intrusions of noise that prevents your peaceful trips. Have you exposed to bursts of noise when you work on one task. Have you felt tired of living with chronic city noise day after day.I believe every individual prefer a peaceful and quiet environment to a noisy one.

It is imperative for the government to strictly control the amount of noise in our life. First, a survey can prove my stand,compared with students who attended schools in quiet neighborhoods,the counterparts attended schools near noisy airport are liable to suffer from distraction. Also,the debate reminds me of my experience, as a columnist,I take pleasure in creating new essays in a café and I pay high price for a quiet environment,however,there are,sometimes,two inane babblers to break the silence,I can hardly zero in on work under noisy circumstances . Last, when I made a self-travel in England, I found that all travelers voluntarily switched phones to silent, turned stereos off and kept chatter to a minimum. Conversely, in my city, some people never notice that they become nuisances by talking aloud, playing cell phone music in public. So, fining people for making a din will definitely dissuade the polluter and be proved to be a neat solution.

Others,however,think differently.First, some people argue that the noise might, at first , be quite annoying,however,people might do well at their tasks after a while because humans are capable of adjusting to a manifold noise levels. Further, some people may believe that making noise randomly is a basic right which can never be deprived. Hence,some people are in the habit of having a noisy party or loudly playing musical instrument at home, or constantly honking the horn when driving a car. What I am worried about is that the right of making noise might be abused.

Apparently,every government should be urged to reduce or eliminate the adverse effects of noise.



Despite decades of advances, the gender gap remains wide. Women are still under-represented in senior positions and among entrepreneurs. That helps to explain why the median female wage is 80% of that of men, lower than the OECD average.


词汇:be under-represented 在高层职位女性占少数/人数不足;

衔接:despite+n. ;that 指代;why 宾语从句;

Ms Boushey argues that America’s labour-market troubles are largely the result of its failure to grapple with changes in family structures. Women once stayed at home,cooking meals, ironing clothes and looking after children while their husbands went out to work.


词汇:grapple with sth=solve 努力解决某事;

At the start of the 1950s only about one-third of American women worked, compared with almost 90% of men. Today 57% of women are in work, while the share of men is just under 70%.


衔接:转折对比compared with…/while;

词汇:sb work=sb be in work;


This shift has added trillions to economic output, and allowed women who might otherwise have been stuck at home to start companies, invent new products, advance the course of science or simply to earn a living of their own. It also transformed life within the home.


衔接:this shift 指代相比从前更对女性出来就业;who 定语从句;also 并列;

词汇:be stuck at home=stay at home 指代在家忙于家务;advance sth 推动发展;


As women joined the paid labour force in increasing numbers, more household responsibilities were shoehorned into the hours outside work. (Although men do more in the home than they used to, women still carry out the bulk of domestic duties.) That may in turn push them to give up formal work.


词汇:join the paid labour force=work;shoehorn(n.鞋拔,此处为v.硬塞:家务只能挤在空余的时间进行)

解决方法:On the face of things, new government rules and regulations are unnecessary.

可作为主题句sth is necessary;

Boushey therefore wants America’s government to grant workers more paid time to care for new babies or ailing relatives; to allow greater flexibility in working time;and to provide greater support for the education of pre-school children.


词汇:grant sth 保证;ailing 生病的;flexibility 灵活(工作时间)

Better family leave policies should not only improve the lives of struggling families but also boost workers’ productivity and cut firms’ costs.


The cost to employers of replacing workers who leave (for any reason, from a new job to parenthood) could amount to between15% and 20% of annual pay, even in occupations paying less than $30,000 per year. Doing good for workers should,therefore, be good for businesses and for the economy.

The cost of hiring replacements ought to give hard-pressed employees—those who are pregnant, say, or who have to care for elderly parents—room to bargain for better treatment.


Other research suggests that more flexible work rules reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.

词汇:struggling families 不富裕的家庭;提高boost productivity=increase;cut costs=reduce costs ; replacing workers 用定语从句描述代替休假的员工=replacements;reduce absenteeism 灵活的工作制度减少缺勤

Broad social insurance could help smaller companies to share the financial load: they would pay into a fund, from which they could draw when employees go on parentalleave.



Nowadays, people are living an increasingly longer life and in many countries there are more old people than young people. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

On medical care


A significant proportion of seniors aged 65 and older suffer from health problems and chronic diseases, robbing them of quality of life, rendering them less productive and running up a huge and unsustainable bill for medical care.


older people have limited regenerative abilities and are more prone to diseases, syndromes, and sickness.


A variety of issues relating to the well-being of the general public calls for funding. Yet, with a limited budget, there invariably will be a war over public funding between taking care of old people and educating the young,for instance.


expenditures are already skyrocketing and are expected to do so for a long time to come. The only current defense between this growing "age wave" and an already overburdened healthcare system is the hope of medical research breakthroughs, which will not come overnight.

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