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雅思写作真题News media are important in modern society. Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?(新媒体越来越重要在如今的社会,你觉得这是积极的影响吗?)


从上述的真题可以清楚知道,关键词就是media,通常我们知道的是它的复数形式medium。它覆盖面比较广泛,有print media,如newspaper, magazine;broadcast media,如radio, television, 以及new media,主要指the Internet. 这些媒体我们可以概括为mass media。而上述题目是news media,所以需要围绕新闻展开,不能提及媒体的综艺性和娱乐性。





题目是:The news media have become more influential in people's lives, some people think it's a negative development, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 新闻媒体对于人们的生活影响深刻,有人认为这种影响是消极的,是否认同?

【题目破解】 新闻对于政客的影响:丑闻导致危机。新闻对于明星的影响:狗仔队侵犯明星的隐私。新闻对于个人的影响:一篇新闻报道可能完全改变人的一生,这种影响可以是消极或积极。(比如,媒体报道失学儿童生存的艰难,生活的捐助可以改变其命运。比如,媒体报道了职员之间的办公室恋情,可能两个家庭都面临危机)



Some people think that news reports in the media have no connections with people's lives.Therefore, it is a waste of time reading newspapers or watching television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为新闻媒体的报道和人们的生活无关,因此,读报和看电视新闻是浪费时间, 是否认同?(2012年6月9日)


Nowadays, customers are facing increasing advertisements with the competition of different companies. To what extent do you think customers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect the customers? 现在,消费者面对日益增加的广告竞争,你认为广告在多大程度上影响了消费者,如何保护消费者。


There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones.What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phone? 手机带来和其相关的社会,医疗和技术问题,问题何在,是否认为手机的弊大于利?


① 小布什在发动第二次海湾战争之前,让幕僚们收集新闻报道,其中就包含了凤凰卫视的立场,可见,媒体影响力之微妙深远。

② 新闻是隔夜就会馊的豆腐,而大众永远喜欢鲜豆腐。所以,新闻媒体人不易,报道既要有影响力,还不能违法违规。

③ 明星们有太多的油彩,难免招人嫉妒。一些人的阴暗心里是——你们有什么不快乐的事情,都发布出来吧,让我们也快乐一下。


① 媒体的教育性:媒体可以扮演教育者的角色,对缺乏新闻阅读经验者而言,他们无论是在常识或阅历上都相当地受局限。相反,有新闻阅读习惯的人却可从媒体中受益良多。例如,阅读国际新闻可以培养人的全球化视角,开拓人的眼界,更能培养人的分析性思维、理性思维、辩证思维。

② 媒体的信息性: 媒体是大众获得信息的重要渠道。阅读本国本地的消息可使我们熟悉最新的时事政治,很多消息和个人息息相关。例如,很多企业家每日最重要的功课之一就是收看《新闻联播》。投资者可以通过新闻了解国家最新的政策和市场信息,这样才能让企业的发展与时俱进。

③ 媒体的娱乐性:媒体是人们琐碎生活的调剂。阅读各类新闻媒体是很多人消遣娱乐的方式之一。《生活空间》栏目就是鲜明的例证,我喜欢了解不同的人生,“讲述老百姓自己的故事”让我在思考中感受快乐。



News media are important in modern society. Why are they important? And are their influences generally positive or negative? 在现代社会 , 新闻媒体十分重要。为什么他们重要呢 ? 他们的影响是积极地还是消极的 ?


Reading news has become a part of daily life of modern people. In my opinion, due to 2 main reasons, news media become increasingly important in modern society. In addition, I believe that news media has generally positive effects on society.

I consider news media plays a key role in modern society based on two reasons. Firstly, we live in the information era, that means our work and life are influenced by a great deal of information. News media is a useful tool for people to collect the important and newest information in order to be adjusted the information society. As for the other reason, there is a closer connection between modern people ’ s daily life and overseas news, as well as domestic new because of the development of globalization. Obviously, many people do not have enough opportunities to go abroad or visit other parts of their own country for collecting information by themselves. However, this problem can be tackled by news media, which allows people to learn what things happened all over the world recently just through TV, newspaper or Internet.

In terms of the advantages of news media, enormous information provided by it is able to guide the development of companies. For instance, if an enterprise plans to invest in a foreign country, the policy news about the investment of this country would enable managers of this company to avoid some risks. Apart from that, news media is also beneficial to society supervision. Lots of problems exist in our society, some of them can not be realized by individuals and authorities. Once these problems are exposed by news media, public and relevant government departments will pay attention to them and try to take actions to solve them.

On the other hand, news media also has drawbacks. For example, unreality news report will mislead and make panic to public. Nevertheless, these drawbacks are not too many and can be solved by instituting regulations and so on.

To sum up, news media is more vital in current society because of certain reasons. Although there also are some disadvantages about news media, the benefits are much more.

News media is indeed very significant nowadays. This is because without the news media we would News media is indeed very significant nowadays. This is because without the news media we would be totally in the dark and cut off from the rest of the world. Its impact is largely positive, although there is a negative side of the news media as well.

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