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【What you do】

1. I'm a / an ( job).

e.g. a nurse / an accountant / a builder

2. I work in ( place or general area).

e.g. a hospital / an office marketing / social

3. I work for ( name / place of the company).

e.g. Union Bank / IBM / Fiat / an international bank

【What your job involves】

4. I'm in charge of

e.g. a big company

5. I'm responsible for

e.g. some workers in that department

6. I have to deal with

e.g. any complaints / overseas clients, mainly

7. I run

e.g. the company / a restaurant

8. I manage

e.g. a shop in downtown

【Daily duties / routines】

9. I have to go / attend (fml)

e.g. (to) a lot of meetings / conferences

10. I visit / see / meet

e.g. patients / clients

11. I advise

e.g. people / clients and give them help...

12. It involves

e.g. writing letters / filling in forms / doing a lot of paperwork / using computers a lot of the time

【Getting a job】

13. It's not easy to get / find work

e.g. in big cities / round these parts

14. I'd love to do

e.g. marketing / this kind of work

15. It's difficult to make a living as a / an

e.g. freelance writer

16. I've been offered a job

e.g. in that company / in London

17. I've applied for a job

e.g. in a local company / in the accounts department

【Working hours】

18. I have a nine-to-five job / I work nine-to-five

(regular working hours in Britain)

19. I do / work shift work.

(nights one week, days next)

20. I am on flexi-time.

(flexible working hours)

21. I have to do / work overtime.

(work extra hours)

22. I only work part-time / take a part-time job.

(part of a day or a few days a week)

23. I am a workaholic. I work full-time.

(work too much)

24. I took early retirement.

(retire at 55 in Britain)

25. I am on / take sick leave.

(a period spent away from work, etc. because of illness)

26. I am on / take maternity leave.

(expecting a baby)

27. I gave up work

e.g. in order to study

28. I was laid off (infml)

e.g. when the factory went bust

29. I was made redundant.

(no longer needed and therefore out of work)

30. I was dismissed (fml)

e.g. for refusing to obey orders


Q1:What kind of work do you do?

At the moment, I am a part-time English teacher who works to improve the speaking, reading, writing and listening skills of students. I mostly spend my time in speaking classes, communicating with my students. I also try to teach them some useful skills to enhance their English capabilities so that they can understand the language better.

enhance [?n?hɑ?ns] vt. 提高 improve

capability [?ke?p??b?l?ti]

Q2: Why did you choose this kind of work?

I chose this type of work for the reason that I can always obtain real satisfaction from helping others. Being a teacher is fulfilling and spending time in helping others obtain knowledge is a gratifying experience. Moreover, it is delightful to meet people from different places and understand more about their cultures.

obtain [?b?te?n] vt. 获得 gain

satisfaction [?sæt?s?fæk?n] n. 满足

fulfilling [f?l?f?l??] adj. 让人感觉有意义的

gratifying [?ɡræt?fa???] adj. 悦人的




Describe an interesting job you would like to do in the future.

You should say:

what job it would be;

what qualities are required for this job;

whether it would be an easy job to do;

and explain why you would like to do this job.


How do young people choose their career in your country?

Do they usually make their choice based on money or is their choice usually based on what they are interested in doing?

What sorts of work (or, what careers) are most popular with young people in your country?

Where do young people get advice about choosing a career?

Why do some people like their job while others don't like their job?

Why do people sometimes lose interest in (or, come to dislike) their job?


If I could choose any job in the world, I would want to be a travel writer. This is a profession I admire and respect, and I believe I will be extremely successful at it. I have been intrigued by travel since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. I really want to be a globe trotter. I have some really romantic ideals that involve a job like this.

To be successful at this job requires an open mind, good physical health and a friendly character. The demands of travel can be quite taxing on the body. You need to be able to walk for miles and sometimes sleep in some rough and ready places. You also need to get the right vaccinations against common maladies like malaria and rabies.

I think this job may seem easy at face value, but I think it's a lot harder than people realize. Not every country is a bed of roses. Some places have some extremely harsh conditions and there is often some danger thrown into the mix.

I am naturally a very curious person and I am also intrigued by new cultures and countries. I am also a very adventurous eater, so I would thoroughly enjoy sampling the treats from the different corners of the globe. I think I would learn a lot from my new friends around the world.

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