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1.What transport are there in your city ?

People in my city go to work or travel by bus. taxi or city train. The most popular one is motorcycles. People cannot ride bikes as my city is hilly and the roads are bumpy.

2.Why do so many people in China ride bikes ?

People in China like to ride bikes because bikes are cheap to buy easy,easy to ride and convenient to use.People always ride bikes to some places which are not far away,and they think it is the best way to reduce traffic congestion.Most people,even the young and the old,can freely ride bikes to go where they want.

3.How do you think the traffic condition could be improved?

I thunk most people are trying to find the answer as the traffic conditions are getting worse and worse in many cities. In my opinion,to develop public transportation, encourage bike riding and improve road construction are very important to relieve traffic congestion.

4.Do you think transportation costs are expensive in your hometown?

I think the transportation costs in my hometown are very cheap the bus fare. To relieve traffic congestion,the local government has perfected the public transportation system , and has made the prices acceptable to all. At about one or two yuan every time,you can travel around most of the city. So many people get around by bus.

5.Describe the advantages and disadvantage of saloon cars.

Saloon cars provide people with an easy and convenient way to travel at a low cost. With the development of the public transport system, it is possible to get to most places in the city by saloon cars. However, during rush hours saloon cars can be very crowded-and sometimes, because of the traffic congestion.



典型例题:In some countries, the governments have tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hours. Do you think this development is positive or negative?


题目分析:本道题相对还是比较简单的,有可能出现困难的是在读题时a congestion tax(拥堵税)会影响理解。这道题目实际考察的是汽车拥堵所采取的措施。


1. In most cities and towns, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. Discuss about the main causes and give possible solutions.


2. Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?


总结一下,写好这类型的题目,首先要有一些核心词汇的储备,例如交通拥堵的表达有traffic congestion, heavy traffic, a high volume of traffic, too much vehicles on the road等,另外对于交通拥堵的措施还得要有一些常规思路的拓展,比如说大力发展公共交通(improve/perfect the public transport system), 征收税(tax people from using cars), 增加油价(increase petrol price), 扩建道路(expand the road), 增加卫星城镇(build more satellite towns), 投资开发新能源(invest in developing cleaner fuels)等。只有有了这些观点,作文写出来才会夺得考官的眼球。

考官段落示范:To solve traffic congestion, we need to improve the choice of public transport services available to travelers. For example, if sufficient sky trains(空中列车) and underground train systems(地下铁路系统) were built and effectively maintained in our major cities, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduced. Long-distance train and coach (长途火车或巴士)services should be made attractive and affordable alternatives to drive your own cars for long journeys.

考官段落解析:这一个段落阐述了如果公共交通得以改善的话,汽车拥堵问题可以得到一个有效的解决。使用的是举例论证,分别列举了sky trains, underground train systems以及long-distance train and coach可以怎么样改善。段落框架清晰易懂,词汇使用也有易有难,考生可以重点参考和学习一下。


典型例题:Government should spend money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


题目分析:这道题目是从属于政府的资金投放的问题,但是它同样也涉及到了交通方式,是railways和road两者重要性的对比。要答好这道题,首先要明白railway以及road所代表的是什么样的出行方式。就railway来讲,我们一般认为的就是sky train, underground train, long-distance train等(其实它们都从属于公共交通),而road却包括bus, private cars, taxi, bicycle等出行方式。

所以这道题最本质的还是考察考生支持公交出行还是私家车出行。站在政府的角度上我们还是普遍偏向于把更多的钱放在railways上的,由于可以有效的解决traffic congestion and pollution problems. 换个角度去想,如果钱投资在了road上,那么就会lead to the increase in the use of private cars, 这就达不到政府最初的目的了。


典型例题:Long distance flight consumes natural resources and pollutes the air. Some people think it should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



1. International travel is becoming more and more popular. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


2. Today, food can travel thousands of miles from farms to the consumers. What are the reasons? Is it a negative or positive trend?


题目分析:此类题直接或间接的考察了交通方式中的飞机。主要要求考生了解此种交通方式所带来的利弊。首先,我们得要知道一下飞机到底有哪些不同的表达方式,例如plane, air, aero plane, air plane, air craft等。就利弊来讲的话,飞机较大的优势就在于快(airplanes are available to shorten the time on the road), 无国界旅行(travel across borders more frequently, experiencing different cultures and broadening horizons)。就缺点来讲的话,飞机会产生环境和噪音问题(environmental destruction and noise pollution)。


Greenhouse gas produced by air planes will increase if the number of air flights rises.

Apart from air pollution, planes can also cause noise pollution. Especially to those living in the neighborhood of an airport, noise created by air crafts is indeed a great headache.


Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


开头段:People have differing views with regard to the question of how to make our roads safer. In my view, both punishments and a range of other measures can be used together to promote better driving habits.

主体段1:On the one hand, strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to drive more safely. Penalties for dangerous drivers can act as a deterrent, meaning that people avoid repeating the same offense. There are various types of driving penalty, such as small fines, license suspension, driver awareness courses, and even prison sentences/imprisonment. The aim of these punishments is to show dangerous drivers that their actions have negative consequences. As a result, we would hope that drivers become more disciplined and alert, and that they follow the rules more carefully.

主体段2:On the other hand, I believe that safe driving can be promoted in several different ways that do not punish drivers. Firstly, it is vitally important to educate people properly before they start to drive, and this could be done in schools or even as part of an extended or more difficult driving test. Secondly, more attention could be paid to safe road design. For example, signs can be used to warn people, speed bumps (减速块) and road bends (道路弯曲) can be added to calm traffic, and speed cameras can help to deter people from driving too quickly. Finally, governments or local councils could reduce road accidents by investing in better public transport, which would mean that fewer people would need to travel by car.

结尾段:In conclusion, while punishments can help to prevent bad driving, I believe that other road safety measures should also be introduced.


惩罚penalty, punitive measures

威慑力deterrent (deter sb. From doing威慑某人不做某事)


吊销执照license suspension

监禁prison sentence/ imprisonment


减速块speed bumps

道路弯曲road bends

限速摄像头speed camera

安全意识课程driving awareness course



错将油门当刹车踩mistake the gas pedal as the brake

穿过交叉路口cross an intersection

猛烈撞击到了人群中plough into the crowd

受到酒精或毒品的影响under the influence of alcohol or drugs


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