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Describe an intelligent person that you know

You should say:

Who the person is

How you know the person

What the person does

And explain why you think the person intelligent

我要介绍的是我的朋友adam,他是我在和朋友们结伴去密室玩时遇到的,他自然就成了带领我们全队 的人。在有一个关卡中,我们碰到了一道密码题,大家都一筹莫展。这位朋友他就把大家聚集起来,搜集 大家的想法,并且由他把线索都整合、分析清楚,最后达成了一致,解开了密码。在信息很多且复杂的时 候能迅速理清楚,是非常难的,所以我认为他很聪明。

Smart people always have good ideas in their minds. As for this topic, I suddenly remember one of my clever friends, Adam. He is a resourceful person who always leads us to solve all kinds of problems. I first met him when I went to play Escape The Room with many friends. As a person who was known for a lot of clever ideas, he became the leader of our group. Great expectations were placed on him (寄予厚望) even before the game started. Escape The Room is very popular with (为...喜爱) young people. It is a game that needs quick minds and cooperation. We met many difficulties along the way, but that was where the fun existed. Then the hardest part came, it was a password question. After several tries, we could find no way out (一筹莫展). Then he gathered all of us and listened to our ideas one by one. He made a comprehensive analysis of all the information and came to a conclusion. It finally worked and we got the password. What a clear mind he owns! It’s a precious ability to sort out the useful information from so much complex information in several minutes. When everyone was at their wit’s end, he still kept his head (保持冷静) and never stopped thinking of solutions. I admire his smartness and I can always learn something from him.



Some people think the main reason for success is hard work and determination.While other people think factors like money and personal appearance are also important. Discuss both views and give your own opinions. 有些人认为成功来自勤奋和坚定,有些人认为成功来自财富和外貌,讨论两种观点。


It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 有人认为只有天生具有一定禀赋的人才能学习音乐或者体育,有人认为任何孩子都可以通过学习成为优秀的运动者或者音乐家,讨论两种观点。


首段:背景介绍 (个性开篇)+ 争议焦点(句型引导)+作家立场(清晰表达)







1. 完美的教育理念应该是:任何的孩子,无论其禀赋如何,都可以通过正确的指导和勤奋的努力成为一个领域的老师,学习相关的技能,当然,包含艺术技能的培养。

2. 一张白纸上可以画最美的图画,对于艺术的兴趣是可以被培养的,艺术的天赋潜能是可以被开发的,因此,任何的孩子都可能精通于艺术。

3. 勤能补拙,在任何的学习领域,只要坚持努力,就可以培养特长,精通专业。


1. 天才不可教,艺术创造是一种很特殊的领域,如果想在某一个艺术领域(例如写作,绘画,电影,音乐)取得非凡的成就,天生的禀赋通常具有决定性的意义。

2. 不是人人都对于艺术敏感和感兴趣,因此,对于很多在艺术领域缺乏兴趣或者天性愚钝的人而言,学习艺术可能是时间和精力的浪费,更有可能打击一个人的自信。


【首段】 背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

Success is what every individual aspires after. A common belief is that great achievement can be made via tenacious endeavors,however, some people argue that in some special fields such as music, literature and art creation, one needs unique flair to stand out in a crowd. Personally speaking,one’s interest can be kindled and one’s potential can be tapped. Hence, everyone can master art-related skills.


1. via tenacious endeavors v通过坚忍不拔的努力

2. one needs unique flair 一个人需要独特的才华

3. stand out in a crowd v出类拔萃

4. one needs unique flair to do sth 去做……一个人需要独特的禀赋


Many arguments can be explored to justify my stand. Initially, education should be based on the concept that all children can effectively be taught to acquire relevant knowledge or cultivate eye-dazzling talents by means of effective guidance and honest hard work. Virtually, art-related skills still fall into this category. Also, it is unwise to prejudge one’s learning potential, nonetheless, one can excel in any fields as long as he never lacks self-improvement and utilizes right methods. After all, one’s interest can be ignited and one’s potential can be developed. Eventually, industry redeems stupidity. Even though the process of art learning might be painstaking, the prospect of art acquisition is alluring,in this sense, those who stick to art learning can surely end up becoming masters in their specific fields.


1. It is unwise to prejudge one’s learning potential.预判一个人的学习潜力是不明智的

2. never lacks self-improvement v永不放松自我努力

3. Industry redeems stupidity. 勤能补拙

4. the prospect of art acquisition is alluring 艺术习得的前景是诱人的

5. art learning might be painstaking 艺术学习的过程是辛苦的

【三段】 对方立场的展开

Some people,however,might remain suspicious of my stand. An opinion hold by some people might be that genius cannot be cultivated, especially for art creation. Indeed, some example can be sought to prove that those who are well-versed in writing, drawing or music usually own extraordinary gifts. Thus, innate talents sometimes have a decisive role in one’s efforts. Further, some people might contend that art learning is not universally appealing to everyone, meanwhile, the process of art acquisition can be time-consuming and energy-consuming, thus, one might feel frustrated and unmotivated if he or she fails to excel in art after constant efforts.


1. Those who are well-versed in writing, drawing or music usually own extraordinary gifts. 哪些精通写作,绘画,音乐的人通常具有超人的禀赋。

2. Art learning is not universally appealing to everyone 不是人人都对艺术学习感兴趣

3. One might feel frustrated and unmotivated if he or she fails to excel in art after constant efforts. 如果一人在持续努力之后依然无法在艺术领域精通,其可能感到挫败,失去动力。

【尾段】 再次亮明观点

In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that nobody is born to be a natural artist. Although the study of art is necessarily far from easy, it is one of the basic rights,which can never be deprived. Everyone of us can create art miracle so long as we spare no efforts.


1. Nobody is born to be a natural artist. 没有人是天生的艺术家。

2. Everyone of us can create art miracle so long as we spare no efforts. 只要不遗余力,人人可以创造艺术的奇迹。




1. acquire art-related courses v 学习和艺术相关的课程

2. the acquisition of art n 学习艺术

3. as for those who lack a talent for art learning对于那些没有艺术天赋的孩子而言

【拓展】:genius = gift =talent= flair n天赋

4. on the part of the students who fail to has a flair for art learning 对于没有艺术天赋的学生而言

5. untalented art learner n没有天赋的学习者

6. slow art learner 没有学习艺术天赋的人

7. have no gift for art acquisition v 没有艺术学习的天赋

8. kindle one’s interest and dampen one’s confidence v 扼杀兴趣以及打击自信

9. could,to a large extent,instill confidence into one’s heart 可以在很大程度上增强一个人自信

【解析】: instill v灌输

10. Nobody is born to be a natural artist 没有人是天生的艺术家

11. might be unmotivated and frustrated 也许会变得失去动力和有挫败感

12. The study of a art is necessarily far from easy. 学习艺术必然十分困难

13. …… is one of the basic rights,which can never be deprived ……是一种不能被剥夺的基本权利

14. Education should be based on the concept that all children can effectively be taught to acquire ……教育应该基于如下理念,任何的孩子们都应该被教会去学习……

15. From our life, it is easy to find plenty of examples to support the view that …… 生活中可以找到很多的例证来支持如下观点……

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