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Music and society

Q: Tell me about any traditional music in your culture.



folk music 民族乐

grassroots artists草根的艺术家

reflect Chinese tradition and culture, lifestyle反映中国古典文化和生活方式

very Chinese, exotic experience 异国情调的感受


Im a young person, and naturally I enjoy music from the west, such as hip-hop and rock n roll. And I guess the traditional music in Chinese culture that I can think of right now, is played often with Erhu and Guzheng. These are Chinese traditional musical instruments with strings. And such music is folk music, which is created by grassroots artists long time ago. When you listen to it, you will have an exotic feeling, Wow! This is so very Chinese. Such music reflects Chinese tradition, history and culture. And also the lifestyle of people in China is shown.


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1. Do you like music? Why / why not?

2. What kind of music do you listen to? Why?

3. Has the music that you listen to changed since you were young?

4. Do you think older and younger generations prefer different types of music?

5. Do you play any instruments?

6. Have you got any hobbies or interests?


1. Yes, I love to spend my leisure time listening music.

2. Well, there is no special category that I am following most. but for sure I have preference based on my mood. Normally I'm a huge fan of classical music with soft melodies. These are always refreshing my mind. During working alone like cooking, cleaning household staffs I listen to rock songs with high volume which brings a lot of energy.

To be honest there is no drastic changes. I noticed few mere changes for instance I have now more interest on English song which was never in my favorite list.

3. Of course I do. Logically people from different generation will have taste variation. Depending upon the maturity, music stars of their own age, impact of globalization as well as technological development in music industry will divide younger and older generation.

4. I’m a big fan of classical music … it doesn’t make me very popular with my children … their taste in music is completely different … they always want to listen to their favourite rock bands …

5. No I don’t … I’ve always wished I’d taken up a musical instrument … I’d love to be able to play the guitar … but I think I’m a bit tone deaf so perhaps I’d find it hard …

6. I’m really into live music … I go to a lot of music festivals … I think a live performance always sounds more exciting than a recorded version … as long as the performers can sing and play well of course …


Describe a place where people listen to music

Where is it?

How do you know this place?

How does it look like?

And explain how do you feel about this place?




I would like to describe a live music cafe where people often go to attend evening performance of popular artists. That is a coffee shop named liker.

As for the location, it is located in the prosimity of my neighbourhood; therefore, it is quite convenient for me to drop by this coffee shop whenever I am in the mood for music.When people go to listen to music in the afternoon there is on minor disadvantage which is looking for a parking space during rush hour because there is a hectic street at the front of the cafe; However, as for myself, the live performance at the cafe is so satisfying that it is totally worth the effort.

I first knew this place in last summer when I was looking a music spot where I can meet up with my friends or relax by immersing into music after finishing a series of stressful exams.Fortunately, there was a live music cafe which come highly recommended on the internet.In addition, I also found out that popular artists also use this place to hold live performance or to introduce their lates albums.Consequently, I always go to this cafe to enjoy music in the weekend because it is a perfect place for us to unwind after long hours of working.

To the best of my knowledge, this cafe used to be a run-down building, and hardly anyone noticed it. However, when it was renovated into a stylish coffee shop with state-of-the-art music facilities, it has become the most popular and favouraed live music cafe in the naighbourhood. as for the design, the cafe is divided into two main areas. The first one is a main bar which serves a variety of beverages. In fact, this area is particularly suitable for small groups to gather around and discuss the latest trend in music. The second one is a stage which is elegantly decoarated; actually it makes me feel as if I am invited to a home of an artist to a chill out and listen to music.

Thanks to the cozy atmosphere, this coffee shop has been a regualar haunt for youngsters to listen to music. Therefore, new artists often come here to promote themselves and established ones also have a chance to appeal to new audiences.


地道用词:in the mood for music

on minor disadvantage

rush hour

a hectic street

live performance


I would like to describe a live music cafe where people often go to attend evening performance of popular artists. That is a coffee shop named liker.

When people go to listen to music in the afternoon there is on minor disadvantage which is looking for a parking space during rush hour because there is a hectic street at the front of the cafe.

However, as for myself, the live performance at the cafe is so satisfying that it is totally worth the effort.

I first knew this place in last summer when I was looking a music spot where I can meet up with my friends or relax by immersing into music after finishing a series of stressful exams.

Thanks to the cozy atmosphere, this coffee shop has been a regualar haunt for youngsters to listen to music.

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