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Some people believe countries have moral obligation to help each other, other worry about the aid money cannot get to the poor of this world. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.该篇写作题目为新题型。思考时可注意国际援助除金钱救济,还有很多不同形式的帮助如教育、就业与医疗。该篇写作观点支持发达国家帮助相对贫困国家。


The revolution of education has always been a vital concern for many educationalists, thus giving rise to a controversy over which kind of teaching pattern is the most appropriate for children who have different learning capacity.

Admittedly, big-class teaching is known as the most common way of teaching as it gives a facility to feasible team work activities, which not only cultivates a sense of cooperation and a sense of competition in students, but also teaches them a lesson about how to deal with peer pressure. These qualities are considered rather significant in an adolescent’s life. But for those who have high intelligence, the advantages just identified above do not hold water, due to the fact that they learn in a far fast pace than those normal ones do. The result of this is either that competent learners are demotivated or that incompetent ones are depressed.

However, reaching the conclusion that massive teaching is not advantageous for ingenious students does not mean that they should be classed into individual learning group. Instead, improving the downsides of teaching together pattern seems to be more relevant. This is because one to one teaching is proved likely to impede children’s development both mentally and physically, which are also of great importance in education. It is not a rare occurrence that closed learning environment results in difficulties in getting along with others as well as in facing challenges in future life. Additionally, a lack of P.E programe as normal classes do is the reason behind health problems of youth.

Therefore I believe that acquiring abilities together provides opportunities to exploit learners’ potentials by arguing each other and learning from others, this is the best way for them to distinguish the strength and weakness from others’.



















Some people think the main benefit of international cooperation is in protection of the environment, while others think that the main benefit is in the world business. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


International travel is becoming cheaper, and more and more countries open their door and with more and more tourists. Do the advantages of the increased tourism outweighits disadvantages?


Rich countries often give financial aid to poor countries, but it does not solve the poverty, so some people think that rich countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than the financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people believe that charity organizations should give aid to people in the greatest need wherever they live, while others think charity organizations should concentrate on helping people in their own country instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


International travel often leads people to have some prejudices rather than broad-mind. What are the main reasons of this phenomenon? What do you think people can do to get better understanding of the countries they visit?



对于国家之间,增进相互了解(enhance mutual understanding),促进文化交流 (promote cultural exchange)。

对于本国,国际旅游能促进旅游资源的开发(exploit tourist resources)、创造就业机会 (create job opportunities)、促进相关产业发展(promote the relative industries like catering, transportation and commerce),具体来说,旅游业的兴起带动航空业的发展(The surge of the aviation industry prompted by expanding tourism has already brought considerable benefits)。

增加税收 (increase the tax revenue)、提高生活水平 (improve the living standard)、 提升城市在世界的形象和地位 (build up the image and status in the world);对于个人来说,开阔人们的视野 (broaden one’s horizons)、并能丰富人生经验 (enrich one’s experience)。


对旅游资源的过度开发(over-exploitation of tourist resources)、破坏生态环境 (impair the ecological environment)、破坏野生动物的栖息地 (destroy the habitats of the wildlife)、过度消耗自然资源 (over-consume the natural resources)。

游客要尽量做到在美好的自然环境和文化环境中,带走的只有照片和记忆(take nothing but pictures and memory)、不要造成(graffiti pollution) 涂鸦污染,也不要故意破坏文物的行为(vandalism)。

文化的融合(cultural assimilation)不代表是一种文化入侵(be regarded as encroachment on the tradition),而是对文化的丰富(enrichment)。


出于人道(humanitarianism),援助国(donors/ donating countries)对贫困国家(needy countries/ poverty-stricken countries/ impoverished countries/ underdeveloped countries)实施国际援助(international aid/ assistance),例如给予援助物质(beneficence/ donation)等,帮助受助国家(recipient countries)摆脱贫困(shake off the poverty),解除困苦(relieve the sufferings)。


通过经济援助方式(adequate funding of efforts to combat the poverty),除了经济援助之外,还有什么方式的援助:

应该在教育、医疗、公共基础设施、食物、安全的饮用水、卫生、基础教育、医疗保健(adequate food, safe water and sanitation, basic education, basic health care);

通过科技,富国应该在技术和资金方面给与援助(transfer technology and cash from richer to poorer countries, to help the latter alleviate the poverty);

通过教育(address urgent needs in education and heath, to eliminate illiteracy can make a huge difference)。


发扬人道精神(humanitarian aid),增加责任感 (increase accountability),帮助贫困国家提高生活水平(living standard)和科技水平(technical level);缩小贫富差距(bridge the gap of the rich and poor),寻求全世界共同发展(seek the common development)。

有道德上的责任(a moral obligation),帮助穷人不仅有经济上的意义,也有道德上的意义(aiding the poor makes moral as well as economic sense)。

为受灾的人提供救助(relief)是一种尊重生命的体现(show respect for life)。

有利于促进和平和稳定(peace and security),促进各个领域的交流(cultural, economic and social interaction),促进全球文明的发展(global civilization)。

缓和紧张关系(ease/ relieve tension),让一些国家可以融入全球经济(involvement in the global economy),促进和平稳定(peace and stability)。


被援助国的经济依赖(the poorer countries’ economic reliance/ dependence),一些国家会比以往都更依靠援助(more dependent on aid than ever),被援助国的经济依赖(poorer countries’ economic reliance/ dependence),这会有损其自信(erode self-confidence)、创造力(creativity)和国民的尊严(pride and dignity)。


(There exists a potential danger of the abuse of the beneficence by some corrupt governmental officials and inefficient administration),钱被滥用(mishandled)。


(Aid from rich countries is just a disguised way to exploit cheap natural resources and get great benefits from poverty-stricken countries).


(Rich countries also harm their developing counterparts in other ways, most notably with their emissions of greenhouse gases.)

或者援助的目的是出于经济利益的考虑、政治和外交方面的考虑等(donate money for economical, political or diplomatic reasons.)

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