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Some think most crime is the result of circumstances e.g. poverty and other social problems. Others believe that most crime is caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.



写作思路:背景:犯罪会带来毁灭性影响,危害社会的秩序和安定。(Crime, with wide-ranging and devastating effect, undermines the order and stability of the social security. )

改写题目:然而,罪犯所处的外部环境抑或罪犯本性导致犯罪行为是让备受争议的一个话题。( However, there are conflicting views on whether crime is determined by the circumstance or the evil nature of criminals. )但不得不承认的是,外部环境与本性跟犯罪之间的因果关系并非很明确(the link of cause and effect between circumstance as well as nature and crime is unclear)。


The rise in the crime rate in recent years has stimulated public to rethink the cause of criminality. Some people take the position that social environment and wealth may be the two influential factors while many other people maintain that someone is bound to be a criminal. personally, I side with the former position but go against the other one, meanwhile, whether to commit a crime is highly depend on personal choices,

Circumstance is a parameter of importance which will considerably affect crime rate. Very few people will commit a crime in an environment- friendly country with a sound welfare system. For example, every individual in Switzerland owns a gun but the crime rate is extremely low, this is mainly because Switzerland is a harmonious and wealthy country. Besides, it is a fact that crime rate will change along with social circumstance. For instance, during the American Great Depression, there is an obvious increase in theft and robbery. When business is depressed, many unemployed people will choose to offend for survival.

The other view, some people are born criminals, seemingly does not hold water. There is no doubt that some criminals have genetic character flaws. However, it not only means people with criminal genes tend to but will not always do a crime. Their potential anti-social behavior is avoidable if they are given enough care and attention.

My opinion about the issue is that criminality is a personal behavior. Some well-educated people are going to be hackers to conduct Internet economic crime in some developed countries like America. They are not poor or naturally offensive. In fact, they just want to show their ability and high intelligence. By comparison, people who live in a country with social unrest will not necessarily commit a crime. Instead, most people used to work hard and enjoy their life.

To summarize, nobody is a criminal by nature. Social environment is a significant but not determining factor to crime. Criminals rely on personal behavior to a high degree.


Task:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:

A child’s education has never been about learning information and basic skills only. It has always included teaching the next generation how to become law-abiding citizens. While some people claim that those ex-prisoners are the best teachers to raise the awareness regarding laws, I believe that other measures are equally effective.

Obviously, ex-prisoners play a vital role in cutting youth crime. This is because those released prisoners have witnessed the horrors happened in the jail and they may also experience some of them. At the same time, they can share the tears and sorrows they suffered in the jails and the harm they have brought to the victims and their family members. This is more impressive than the traditional lectures given by professors. By listening to a wide range of real cases in person, young generation will realize the consequence of the irresponsible behavior deeply and discipline themselves strictly in the future.

Nevertheless, I believe other alternatives should be taken into consideration as well. It is common for people to have a fear towards criminals, especially those who have committed violent crimes and therefore face-to-face conversation between the young and people with a criminal record might be inappropriate in some cases. By contrast, policemen normally have a good impression among youngsters and they can become the active voice in reducing juvenile delinquency. Apart from them, parents can certainly be the first to help children learn the differences between right and wrong since they are the people who know their children best in the world.

In my opinion, it is the responsibility of every member of a society to help the young generation to become good citizens.


The news about violent crimes may frighten people or, on contrary, encourage them to commit a crime. Therefore, some believe that these types of news should not be reported in newspapers or on TV. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. What are the causes? How should these young criminals be punished?

In many countries crime is increasing. What are the main reasons for this? What can be done to improve the situation?














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