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1. A good appearance may help people make a better impression in social contacts.

2. When people are getting old, they should pay more attention to their appearance.

3. The way people are dressed helps them to preserve a sense of their own value and personality.

4. Fashion adds spice to life with its rich colour, variety, and beauty.

5. Men and women follow fashions in order to please each other and themselves.

6. The world will be a dull place to live in if people always wear clothes of the same style and colour.

7. Mass production makes well-designed clothes cheap, available to everyone.

8. The fashion industry is an enormous one. It provides employment for people like textile workers, designers, shopkeepers, etc.

9. The fashion industry has helped industrial research in the sense that a lot of new materials, like nylon, rayon, etc. have been made to meet the demand of the consumers.

10. Being well-dressed is of psychological importance because confidence in ones appearance leads to confidence in ones success in life.


1. People sometimes look odd with the so-called fashionable hair styles, make-up, and dresses.

2. Top designers in Paris and London are dictatorial, for they lay down the law and the whole world rushes to obey.

3. Fashion goes like this: one year, one thing; the next year, the reverse.

4. People are so vain that they are afraid of being seen in old-fashioned clothes.

5. People, especially the fashion-followers, are blackmailed by fashion-designers and stores.

6. Changing fashions is a deliberate creation of waste because one will have to discard a lot of new clothes in order to follow fashions.

7. Fashion designers are not interested in important things like warmth, comfort, and durability of the clothes. They are only interested in outward appearance and profits.

8. The odder the clothes, the more expensive they are, and the more fashionable they become. Its a great pity that people have lost their appreciation of real beauty.

9. In order to follow fashions, people have to put up with great discomfort, such as suffering from cold in winter.

10. Ones confidence does not grow from the way one is dressed, but from the inner qualities one possesses.


In some societies,fashion become more and more important in choosing clothes,Why?do you think it is positive development or negative development?



问了两个问题,首先问why,现在人们买衣服purchase clothes,挑衣服try on clothes越来越讲时尚vague/fashion,或者说越来越讲牌子brand,讲漂亮fascinating/exquisite,讲个性show one's character。那是由生活水平逐年提高有关!it has been associated with increasing living standard and quality! 在过去in the past,人们只能够关注是否穿暖people usually concern about whether clothes may keep them warm,是否能否维持基本的生活需求and whether they can sustain fundamental living demands. 在这样的情况下,他们根本不可能把重心放在样式,做工上面。under this circumstance, it is impossible to concentrate on style and texture of clothes.然而,现今,经济的发展不但给我们带来的是广阔生动的世界,而且还解放了人们的思想,追求美好的事物。however, nowadays, the development of economy not only has brought about more vivid world but has liberated people's thoughts, pursuing marvelous target.

其次,现代媒体的发展也推动了商品的个性化。besides, modern media also propelled characterization of goods.并且通过各种各样的广告把好的创意和设计推广出去,媒体可以使人们保持对时尚的最新情况的关注并对此产生兴趣。and after promoting excellent innovation and design by advertisement, media can make consumers keep informed of this fashion and show their interest in it.

追求好的款式和时尚在很大程度上都是一件好事。choosing clothes with fashion is of great benefit for us to large extent.人们可以以此来表明自己的心情、个性。so people can show their moods and characters with this fashion. 并且不同年龄层的人群有不同的追求。also, people of different ages have their own favorite.这又促进了商品的发展。但是,对于青少年而言,不因由于过多的关注衣服的时尚而产生一些不良的现象。而应该把更多精力放在学习上。

but,it is inadvisable for teenagers to over-concern about vague of clothes. anyway, choosing clothes is a wise fashion which we advocate.


说到时尚服装,我们自然想到当下正火的一些服装品牌。从高端定制到平民时尚,从奢华顶级品牌Versace, Hermes, 和Gorgio Armani, 再到简约平价品牌Topshop, Zara, 和H&M, 还有在男性中大受欢迎的Calvin Klein和牛仔品牌Diesel, AJ等,我们能触及到的牌子和种类越来越多。再说说风格,从充满仙气儿的神秘森女系Mori girl clothing, 阳光帅气的运动风sports style, 到时尚的简约范儿Simple and contracted, 我们可以把自己从周一到周五打扮成各种不同的风格,来享受时尚带给我们的乐趣。当然,我们还不能忽视服装的材质(materials),如:Wool(羊毛),cotton(棉),silk(丝质),chemical fibre(化纤),fur or leather(皮或革),还有最近越来越流行的太空棉Space Cotton, 都是市面上常见的材料种类。

从传统方面来说,服装的功能(function)仅仅是protect people from climatic conditions and from naked(防止受到天气影响以及起到蔽体的作用)。而现在,服装本身成为了a form of creative artistic expression(一种创意艺术表达形式),designs can either be embroidered onto the fabric, woven on to the fabric, silk screened, or ironed onto the fabric to create a desired look(设计图案可以被渲染到布料上,可以被编织在布料上,可以丝印,也可以烙在布料上)。而且,服装certainly gives us a sense of confidence and pride in appearance(在外观上使我们变得自信和骄傲)。当然,我们也不能盲目追求时尚,就像顶尖品牌范思哲Versace的创始人Gianni Versace曾经说过,“When a woman changes her look too much from season to season, she becomes a fashion victim.” 所以我们追求时尚要讲求适度(Moderation)。除此之外,过于追求时尚将是一笔巨额的开销,然而这对很大一部分人来说是吃不消的(purchasing every latest season’s fashion clothing will of course blow the budget of many people, particularly the young)。因此,很多人更关注的是穿着的舒适度及其所表达的个性(pay more attention to individuality and comfort in the way we dress)。

再来说说包包(Bags)。包是口语第一部分常考话题之一,关于包的类型我们尤其要掌握。如果你只知道一个handbag和sports bag那就太不时尚了。首先就女式包来说,常见的类型有tote(手提包)、hobo(肩带和包身形成一个圆形的包)、shoulder bag(肩背包),drawstring bag(水桶包)、messenger bag(斜跨包)以及clutch(手包)。还有男女通用的backpack(双肩包)等。男式包的种类就比较单一了,除了双肩包、斜挎包,还有公文包(briefcase)等等。说到包包的特性,我们可以聊它们的capacity(容量)、utility(实用度)、material(材质)、quality(质量)、price(价格)以及brand(品牌)。

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