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雅思写作真题:Environmental problem is too big for individual countries and individual people to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?




雅思写作真题:Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away” culture, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To what extent do you agree with this opinion and what measures can you recommend reducing this problem?

雅思写作提示:关于一次性用品如何处理,分两个方面讨论,不能一刀切。一次性用品对于人类的好处,也是它存在的意义不能被忽视。但滥用一次性用品带来的环境污染不可小觑。如何解决此类问题呢,最经典:reduce, reuse, recycle。


雅思写作真题:Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, are used in many countries. But in some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy, including wind and solar power, are encouraged. Is this trend a positive or a negative development?




Currently, some scientists or travelers like to travel to remote natural environment such as south pole. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 这个题目中也提到了自然环境,我们该如何从环境污染的角度去破题呢?别着急,先了解一下相关的背景材料,我们不妨从“what(是什么)”、“why(为什么)”和“how(如何解决)”这几个维度来分别讨论环境污染的相关内容。


全球变暖global warming:

人类焚烧化石燃料fossil fuels会产生大量的二氧化碳carbon dioxide,即温室气体greenhouse gas,这些温室气体能吸收地面反射的太阳辐射,使地球温度升高,导致温室效应greenhouse effect。全球变暖会加速了水汽vapor和热量heat的形成,这是生成台风的关键因素(大家对前不久的台风“山竹”Typhoon Mangkhut是否还记忆犹新?)。其它的负面影响包括极地的冰川融化retreat of glaciers,导致海平面上升sea level rise,从而淹没岛屿导致很多物种灭绝 the extinction of many species,引发生物多样性的减少 reduced diversity of ecosystem,威胁人类的生存。

空气污染air pollution:

常见的有雾霾haze,会造成呼吸道疾病Respiratory diseases或过敏allergies。对于植物而言,影响生理机能,造成植物产量下降。It may also cause harm to other living organisms such as food crops, like lower productivity.

水污染water pollution:

日趋加剧的水污染,例如废水waster water,污水sewage等已对人类的生存安全构成重大威胁。水污染影响人们生活,破坏生态,直接危害人的健康,同时又影响工业生产manufacture、增大设备腐蚀corrosion、影响产品质量。

噪音污染noise pollution:

噪声对人体最直接的危害是听力损伤hearing damage, 长期在高噪声环境下会导致心血管系统疾病High noise levels can contribute to cardiovascular effects in humans and an increased incidence of coronary artery disease。噪声影响睡眠sleep deprivation,分散注意力distraction,干扰工作和学习效率。


尤其是为城市日常生活提供服务的活动中产生的生活垃圾man-made aluminum cans, cardboard boxes or plastic bottles on a daily basis for convenience和一般工业固体废物hazardous items of rubbish such as tires, electrical appliances, batteries and large industrial containers。固体废物难以降解non-biodegradable,填埋垃圾场导致土壤污染soil pollution,倾倒海洋破坏海洋生态体系ocean ecosystem。


Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that the problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



首段:背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场:



四段: 让步不同意观点的合理性 + 加以反驳

尾段:再次亮明观点 + 总结理由


Ironically,we, human beings, are now facing a series of environment-related issues ranging from various contamination to global warming to the depletion of natural resources although our economy keeps on prospering. As to how to address environmental issues, an opinion seems to enjoy great popularity that personal efforts are too trivial to optimize our living surroundings, however, the issue is surely relevant to each individual citizen.


No matter how small personal involvement in environmental conservation might be, it is the unshakable obligation of every individual to safeguard the environment. The amelioration of the environment should and could be realized by every kind of little effort. A number of examples might justify my stand, instead of depending on private cars excessively, the public should be inspired to take public transit, walk on foot or ride bicycles, which could mitigate the pollution induced by public transport. Imaginably, we could enjoy a cleaner and quieter environment if there are few vehicles on the roads. Meanwhile, provided that we have to utilize personal cars, it is highly recommend that we should purchase and drive compact cars or full-cell-driven cars.


Also, raising the environmental protection awareness and fostering eco-friendly lifestyle should be advocated among every individual. More precisely, we could reduce the frequency of use of paper and do more on-line reading, we could visit places of interest close to home instead of traveling far away to remote tourist attractions and we could save electricity and cherish water such as turning on the air conditioning only when we have to, or turning off water tap tightly.


Granted, I have to admit that some severe environmental pollution, such as global warming or sea contamination, might fail to be resolved only by personal effort. In this sense, the role of governments in environmental management is challenging but inescapable because the government is the only legalized institution that may formulate legislations related to environmental problems. However, I want to rebut that without the cooperation, participation, and honest hard work of every individual, every governmental policy relating to greenism will end up becoming useless and meaningless.


Overall,I re-affirm my stand that no matter how tiny personal efforts might be, they still work. After all, governmental policy depends on the implementation of every eco-friendly person. The earth is our shared home and every one of us should assume the responsibility of safeguarding it, not only for ourselves but also for the later generations.


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