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1. use vocabulary to discuss a variety of topics flexibly;

2. use some less common words and idiomatic vocabulary.

其中idiomatic vocabulary就是我们所讲的动词短语。其实没必要用得太多,在整个的十几分钟里,我们只需用那么6-7个地方,就基本上达到要求了。下面是我们常见的、也是学过的动词短语,把它们用起来吧!

Look 的常用短语:

look up … in查找

look back to/ upon回顾

look upon…as把… 看作

look forward to期待

look through浏览; 看穿

take on a new look呈现新面貌

Concentrate 的常用短语:

concentrate on 专心…

concentrate one’s mind on 专心于…


fix one’s mind upon

focus on

put one’s heart into

focus one’s mind on


in surprise惊讶地

to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是

be surprise at/to do/that



care for

be keen on

be fond of

take delight in…


have much trouble / no trouble (in) doing 在…有/没有困难

take great trouble to do不辞辛劳做某事

put sb to the trouble of doing …为难某人做某事

make trouble捣乱

be in (great) trouble惹麻烦;处在困境中

help sb. out of trouble帮某人摆脱困境


come to an end……结束

put an end to 结束……

in the end终于; 最后

end up (by) doing…以……结束

make both ends meet收支相抵


工业革命 industrial revolution

耗尽枯竭 exhaustion

环境 environment

环境恶化 environment deterioration

辉煌的 glorious

机器人,遥控设备 robot


家庭电器 household appliances

家务管理 housekeeping

家务杂事 chore

见多识广的 informed

精神生活 spiritual well-being

久坐的,沉积的 sedentary

就近的,敏捷的 handy

科学发现 scientific discovery

科学知识 scientific knowledge

克隆 cloning

能源短缺 energy shortage

奇迹的,不可思议的 miraculous

前进,进步,发展 advancement

前进 advance

前进 go ahead

全球变暖 global warming

全球的,全世界的 global

人工智能 artificial intelligence

人类 mankind

天然资源 natural resources

自动化的 automatic

自给自足的 self-sufficient

自动化系统 automated systems

自动控制,自动操作 automation

自动生产 automation production

生产自动化 manufacturing automation

水电站 wind power station

太阳能 solar energy

以电脑为基础的 computer-based

永不枯竭的 inexhaustible

工业自动化 industrial automation

能源 energy resources

三维的 3-dimensional

生产自动化 manufacturing automation

手工制品 handmade products

风力发电站 water power station

编程 programming

智能科技 intelligence technology

神经网络 neural network

神经细胞,神经元 neuron

生物学上 biologically

实际应用 practical application

自动包装 auto packaging

自动化生产线 automated assembly line

机器,机械 machinery

机器控制系统 machine control system

机器人技术 robotics

机械装置 mechanical device

降低成本 lower the cost

降低风险 lower the risks

模拟世界 analog world


TV Programs

bring a vivid world before our eyes 在我们眼前展现出一个生动的世界

appreciate the beautiful landscapes of other countries


know various kinds of events at home and abroad 了解国内外的事件

get entertainment 娱乐

play an educational role in our daily lives


English programs 英语节目

many channels to choose from 有许多频道可供选择

make our life more colorful 使我们的生活更加多彩

make us well-informed 使我们了解时事

On the other hand:

a waste of time 浪费时间

distract us from our study or work 使我们不能专心学习和工作

too many commercials 太多的电视广告

waste the audience’s time 浪费观众的时间

too much violence 太多暴力

harmful to the youth and children 对年轻人和儿童有害

not old enough to distinguish fantasy from reality 年龄太小,无法分清幻想和现实

bad examples 不好的例子


make us fit 使我们健康

give us a great deal of fun/enjoyment 给我们带来无数的快乐

get good exercise 好好锻炼

be beneficial to our physical health有利于我们的身体健康

teach us to cooperate with others 教我们学会与其他人合作

teamwork (集体的)配合,合作,协调

tournament 比赛, 锦标赛, 联赛

gymnasium 健身房, 体育馆

gym 体育馆, 体操

gymnastics 体操, 体育


indoor stadium 室内体育场

swimming (doggie paddle/ breast stroke/butterfly/ back stroke/ free style)


badminton 羽毛球

racket 球拍

shuttlecock 羽毛球

baseball 棒球

ice hockey 冰球

fencing 击剑,剑术

fencer击剑者, 剑术家, 篱笆匠

martial art 武术

water polo 水球

mountaineering 登山

go jogging 慢跑

indoor games 室内运动

play Chinese chess 下中国象棋

chess 国际象棋

Go 围棋

bridge 桥牌

be in good/poor health

be on a diet 节食


an early riser 早起的人

do morning exercises 晨练

take a walk 散步

stroll after dinner 饭后闲逛

stretch oneself 伸展身体


New Year’s Day 元旦

Spring Festival’s Eve 除夕

Spring Festival/ Chinese New Year 春节

Lantern Festival 元宵节

Valentine’s Day 情人节

Labor Day 劳动节

Children’s Day 儿童节

Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

National Day 国庆节

Christmas Eve 平安夜

Christmas 圣诞节

Spring Festival

First day of our Chinese lunar calendar 农历初一

celebrate the Eve of Spring Festival 过除夕

get together with family members 与家人团聚

make dumplings 包饺子

set/ light firecrackers 放爆



coffee pot 咖啡壶

coffee cup 咖啡杯

paper towel 纸巾

napkin 餐巾

table cloth 桌布

tea–pot 茶壶

tea set 茶具

tea tray 茶盘

caddy 茶罐

dish 碟

plate 盘

saucer 小碟子

rice bowl 饭碗

chopsticks 筷子

soup spoon 汤匙

knife 餐刀

cup 杯子

glass 玻璃杯

mug 马克杯

picnic lunch 便当

fruit plate 水果盘

toothpick 牙签


bear"s paw 熊掌

breast of deer 鹿脯

beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参

sea sturgeon 海鳝

salted jelly fish 海蜇皮

kelp, seaweed 海带

abalone 鲍鱼

shark fin 鱼翅

scallops 干贝

lobster 龙虾

bird"s nest 燕窝

roast suckling pig 考乳猪

pig"s knuckle 猪脚


Likes/Hobbies 兴趣

Have a big interest in

Be interested in 对…有兴趣; 喜爱…

Have wide interests/ a wide range of interests 兴趣广泛

Kill time 消磨时间

Relieve boredom by doing sth 通过做某事减轻无聊的感觉

Meet interesting people and make new friends 结识有趣的新朋友

Go fishing/ outing/ hunting/ shopping 去钓鱼/出去旅行/打猎/购物

Mountaineering 登山 Painting 油画,绘画

Landscape painting 山水画 Oil painting 油画

Water color painting 水彩画 Calligraphy 书法

Sculpture n.雕刻,雕刻品,雕塑 v.雕刻,刻蚀

Housework 家务

Housework家务,劳动,家务事 do the laundry 洗烫

Washing要洗的衣服;洗好的衣服 cleaning清洁

Vacuum(cleaner)吸尘器 Vacuum the floor 用真空吸尘器打扫地面

Tidy and neat 整洁 in a mess混乱,脏乱

People description 描述人物

Personality 个性, 性格 appearance 外表 warm-hearted 热心的

Kind 善良的 hospitable 好客的

Versatile 万能的,多才多艺的 intelligent 聪明的,有才智的

Energetic 精力充沛的 humorous 富幽默感的 optimistic 乐观的

Introvert 性格内向的 extrovert性格外向的

Have a good figure 身材好 well-built 身材健美的(男)

Parent’s experience父母的经历

Go through a lot of ups and downs 经历过很多起伏

Face the trouble with great courage and strong will together 勇敢坚强地面对困难

Impress me with their perseverance 他们的毅力给我留下很深的印象

Learn a lot from… 从某人身上学到许多

Have a wide knowledge知识渊博 be retired 退休

Have a good daily schedule每天作息时间正常take after sb.与某人相似

Teacher 老师

Be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求 have rich experience 经验丰富

Have a good command of sth. 对…掌握的好 unforgettable难忘的

Teaching methods 教学方法 gain a lot from…从…中学到很多

Influence sb much 给某人很大影响 follow one’s advice 按某人建议

Friends 朋友

Intimate/close friend亲密的朋友reliable/trustworthy可靠的,可信赖的

Get to know each other/know each other for a long time开始互相了解

Get on/along well with 与…相处得好

Feel relaxed in each other’s company 与…在一起感到轻松

Our friendship doesn’t fade as time goes by.时光流逝,但友谊长存

Pay attention to teamwork 注意团队精神 ask sb. For help寻求帮助

TV Programs 电视节目

Bring a vivid world before our eyes 给我们展现出一个生动的世界

Appreciate the beautiful landscape of other countries 欣赏国外的美景

Know various kinds of events at home and abroad 了解国内外的事件

Get entertainment 娱乐English programs 英语节目

Play an educational role in our daily lives 在日常生活中起教育作用

Make our life more colorful 使我们的生活更加多彩

Make us well-informed 使我们了解时事

A waste of time 浪费时间 too much violence 太多暴力

Distract us from our study or work 使我们不能专心学习和工作

Too many commercials 太多的电视广告

Harmful to the youth and children 对年轻人和儿童有害

Not old enough to distinguish fantasy from reality 年纪太小无法分清幻想和现实 bad examples 不好的例子

Trip 旅行

Broaden our outlook 开阔视野 tourist attractions 景点 tourists 游客

Culture relics 文物 ancient architecture 古代建筑

Historical sites 古迹 terra cotta warriors 兵马俑

Be well known for its spectacular landscape/ its seafood/ pleasant climate


Taste the local specialties/ snakes 品尝当地的特色小吃

Hospitable local people 好客的当地人

A marvelous summer resort 非凡的避暑胜地

Have a recreational holiday/ vocation 开心度假

Fast pace of life 快捷的生活节奏

Public Transportation 公共交通

Various means of transportation available 拥有不同的交通方式

Private transportation 私人交通

Depend on people’s needs, preferences and length of a journey 根据人们的需求,爱好及旅行时长而定

A series of well-designed traffic facilities 一系列设计出色的交通设施

Offer great conveniences for people 为人们提供了极大的便利

Arrive at your destination within a short tine 短时间内就能到达目的地

Offer us an unusual and breathtaking view of the world 让我们看到了这个世界不同寻常的景象

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