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Answer 1

One of our team members left us because we couldn't reach an agreement on the task we were running. Even though it was difficult when she quit without notice, we still managed to rearrange the department workload to cover the position until a replacement was hired. Everyone was very busy then, but somehow it helped strengthen our abilities.


Answer 2

Once, we were faced with a sudden order increase for our new product. It was for a new customer. I immediately sat down with the production supervisor, our materials manager, and the union steward. We were able to lay out a workable plan that maximized hourly labor costs, guaranteed materials were available and, with only a slight adjustment, met the production deadline. While it was challenging and involved long hours, the pay-off was a signed contract with a new customer.


Answer 3

When I was working on a software implementation team, we took over another company and had to transit many clients to a new product in a short amount of time. It took a lot of planning, time, hard work and effort, but we were able to complete the project in a timely manner.


Answer 4

My department manager asked me to investigate a bottleneck in the production line. I did some research and suggested a redesign of the department layout so that the production units were in a more efficient sequence. It worked so well, increasing production by up to 20 percent, that my layout design has been adopted by all our branches.


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