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《拜见岳父大人》Meet the Parents——英雄难过岳父关

Meet the Parents is an affable comedy which takes its lead from director Jay Roach's Austin Powers films as well as star Ben Stiller's There's Something About Mary. While it doesn't quite reach the highs of these smashes, it is a non-taxing affair which delivers more than a few laughs.


The film charts every budding of Romeo's biggest fear:meeting his girl's parents for the first time. He has a beautiful girlfriend, Pam, who he wants to marry.Trouble is, he has to meet her folks first.And here his nightmare begins.


Instead of the expected retired gardener, Pam's father is ex-CIA interrogator Jack Byrnes(De Niro). Papa Jack is far from covert in his surveillance of his daughter and he wants to know all about her new beau.He immediately sets about testing Greg using his self-invented polygraph machine.He is also a rabid anti-smoker(needless to say, Greg is a pack-a-day guy),passionate about his cat(which Greg hates),and is perplexed by Greg's seemingly unambitious career choice.


Predictably enough, everything Greg tries to do to impress Jack ends in disaster. Although most of the gags are telegraphed well in advance, they hit the mark for the most part.Stiller is pretty much indistinguishable from his role in'Mary'although his part calls for little more.Some quality supporting work from Blythe Danner(as De Niro's kooky wife)and Owen Wilson(Pam's hilariously tragic ex-boyfriend)makes this look like a film that the cast really enjoyed making.


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