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This is fun."2012"delivers what it promises, and since no sentient being will buy a ticket expecting anything else, it will be, for its audiences, one of the most satisfactory films of the year. It even has real actors in it.Like all the best disaster movies, it's funniest at its most hysterical.You think you've seen end-of-the-world movies?This one ends the world, stomps on it, grinds it up and spits it out.


It also continues a recent trend toward the wholesale destruction of famous monuments. Roland Emmerich, the director and co-writer, has been vandalizing monuments for years, as in"Independence Day,""The Day After Tomorrow"and"Godzilla".I still hold a grudge against him for that one because he provided New York with a Mayor Ebert and didn't have Godzilla step on me and then squish me.


In all disaster movies, landmarks fall like dominos. The Empire State Building is made of rubber.The Golden Gate Bridge collapses like clockwork.Big Ben ticks his last.The Eiffel Tower?Quel dommage!


Also on board are the humans chosen to survive, including all the characters who have not already been crushed, drowned or fallen into great crevices opening up in the Earth. These include the heroic Jackson Curtis(John Cusack)and his estranged wife, Kate(Amanda Peet);President Wilson(Danny Glover),his chief science adviser, Adrian Helmsley(Chiwetel Ejiofor),and his chief of staff, Carl Anheuser(Oliver Platt).


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