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A:I m happy to have this chance to meet with you,Mr.Yang.I m in Shanghai looking for possible suppliers.杨先生,非常高兴能有机会认识你。我此次来上海是想寻找有可能合作的供应商。

B:I see.Well,it s very nice to meet you,Mr.Wrigley.How has your visit to Shanghai been so far?喔!我也很高兴认识您,威格雷先生。目前您对上海的印象如何?您有何收获?

A:I must say the products in Shanghai have improved very much in the past ten years.You ve really been keeping an eye on quality.我得承认上海的产品这十年来进步了很多,你们的确在质量上下了功夫!

B:Yes.At our company,quality control is very important.We want to keep customers happy.是的。在我们公司,质量管理非常重要,我们必须让顾客满意。

A:Active Sports is getting a solid reputation for having high quality of the line products.Could you tell me a little about your background?Active Sports的产品质量上乘,而且取得了很好的信誉。能否请您简短地谈一下贵公司的背景?

B:Sure.We ve been in business about five years now.We started by making safety equipment for many sports,and then branched out into other sports products.当然。我们创业至今有5年的历史,我们是以为各种运动做安全器材起家的。然后逐渐扩展出其他的运动产品。

A:What are some of the other sports products you re making?你们现在还生产哪些运动产品?

B:Nets for tennis and badminton,and also rackets and balls for many different sports.Are you looking for anything in particular?有网球和羽毛球用的网以及多种球拍和各类的球。您特别需要某项产品吗?

A:We re particularly interested in your line of rackets.我们对贵公司的球拍系列特别感兴趣。

B:Let me give you this information to look over.Here are our catalogues,brochures,price lists,and a few magazine articles complimenting our products.那么让我给您些资料做参考,有目录、小册子、价目表和一些称赞我们产品的杂志文章。

A:Thanks very much.I ll read these,but I d like to get in touch with my office in the States first.非常感激。我会看一看,不过我要先同美国总部联系一下。

B:Fine,Mr.Wrigley,this is our latest model.I want you to take a close look at the exquisite design.好的,威格雷先生,这是我们的最新款式。希望您仔细看看这精美的设计。

A:Ah,yes,this is the very model I am interested in.啊,是的,这正是我所感兴趣的那种样式。

B:I should be very happy to give you further information you need on it.我很乐意提供您所需要的关于这种产品的进一步资料。

A:OK,Mr.Yang,what are the specifications?好的,杨先生,都有哪些规格呢?

B:We have five different ones in total.If you refer to page eight of the brochure you ll find all the specifications there.我们总共有五种规格。如果您看一下手册的第8页,就会在那儿找到所有的规格。

A:Which is the cheapest one?哪一种比较便宜呢?

B:Let me see the specifications for that.让我看一下产品的规格说明书。

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