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A:Have you decided to put some new lines on the market in China?你们已经决定在中国推出一些新产品了吗?

B:Yes.That s what I m going to discuss with you.We are producing some smaller types of electric household appliances and we know there is a growing demand for these smaller types.We are sure the market will respond to it very quickly.As our sole agent,we d like you to put them on the market in your country.是的,这正是我要和您商谈的事。我们正在生产一些小型的家电产品,也知道市场对这些小型家电产品的需求量正与日俱增,我们相信市场会对此很快做出反应。作为我们的独家代理,我们希望你们能将它们在贵国市场上推出来。

A:Well,there is lively demand for them and we are really interested in them.However,that doesn t mean an easy business.As you know,there is a strong opposition from the competitors of other countries.It will be hard work to win customers from them.To compete with business from these firmly established competitors,a strong sales drive and various advertising should be stepped up.That would mean a considerable capital outlay.是啊,目前市场需求很活跃,我们也确实对此有兴趣。但这并不能说生意很好做。您知道,现在来自其他国家的竞争对手很强,从他们手上抢生意并不容易。与这些已站稳脚跟的对手竞争,必须推出强大的促销活动和各种广告。这就意味着需要大笔资金。

B:We are pleased to learn that you are going all out to establish them on your market.We don t mean to ask you to bear the whole cost of it.We are granting some money to your campaign.你们将全力以赴为我们的产品打开市场,我们很感欣慰。我们并不想让你们负担一切,我们会为这些促销活动提供费用的。

A:Well,perhaps the easiest way to do this is to allow us a commission increase on the sale of these new lines.那么也许最简单的办法是提高促销这些新产品的佣金。

B:Actually,we don t give any commission in general.一般说来,我方不给佣金。

A:I m afraid it goes against the usual commercial practice if you allow no commission.不给佣金恐怕有悖商业惯例。

B:Mr.Johnson,you must be aware that the articles under offer are our best sellers.Besides,the price we quoted is very keen and the profit margin is very narrow.So no commission or discount will be allowed at all.约翰逊先生,您要知道报价的商品是我方的畅销货。而且,我方的报价是极好的,利润很低,所以我们不给予任何佣金或折扣。

A:But as you see,as commission agents,we do business on commission from European suppliers.不过您知道,作为佣金代理商,我们与欧洲供货商做生意都拿佣金的。

B:Well,if you increase your order,we may consider your request.好吧,如果你方增加订货,我方也许会考虑你的要求。

A:Do you think so?What do you say if we increase our order to $50,000?是吗?如果我们把订货量增加到50000美元,您看如何?

B:In that case,we may consider giving you a 5% commission to promote trade with you.那样的话,我方会考虑给您5%的佣金以促进与你们的合作。

A:A commission of 5% is too little.When we book such an order with European suppliers,we usually get a 10% commission.5%的佣金太少了。当我方向欧洲的供货商下这么大的订单时,我方通常得到10%的佣金。

B:Well,let s meet each other half way.How about 7%?让我们折中一下吧!7%如何?

A:Good.But there s one more thing I wish to have your attention.好的,我想请您注意一件事。

B:What is it?什么事?

A:Do not deduct the commission from the value of the consignment.不要从货物的价值中扣除佣金。

B:I beg your pardon?请您再说一遍。

A:I m afraid I haven t made myself clear.I mean you write the full value in the invoice,just the same.And it s only after you ve collected the full payment of the L/C,will you then remit us our commission?恐怕我没讲清楚。我的意思是,您照样开好全额发票,只是当您收到信用证的全额款项后,您再汇给我方佣金,好吗?

B:I see your point now.We ll do as you wish.我明白了,我方会照办的。

A:We will go all out into this business.我们一定会全力以赴投入这项工作的。

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