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A: Hello,I'm Robert Burges from Eliot Electrics. You met my colleague Joan at the Electronic Expo last week. She asked me to call you to follow up with you about some of the questions you had about our products. I was told you had indicated interest in our line of Mp4 players. Do you have any questions I could answer for you?

B: Oh,yeah. I remember stopping by that booth. Um. . . I was just looking around at your Mp4 players because we are looking for new suppliers. We are looking for potential products to market in our electronic outlet.

A: Did you get a copy of our company literature and catalog while you were at our booth?

B: Yeah,I think so. . .

A: Well,I would like to set up a time when we could meet and discuss further about working together in the future.

B: Well,okay. We're not totally sure about whether or not we're interested in making an order right now. . .

A: We'd like to have an opportunity to have your business. As you are currently looking for suppliers,we can talk more about making a deal. I can guarantee we offer quality at affordable prices. If you have ten or twenty minutes next week when I could come by your office and meet with you,we can look at the possibility of doing business together.

A:你好,我是Eliot电子公司的Robert Burges。您上周在电子出口展上和我的同事Joan碰过面。她让我打电话给您继续探讨有关我们产品的话题。听她说,您对我们的mp4播放器感兴趣。您有什么问题需要我来解答吗?







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