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A: Welcome to Regis Travel,how may I help you?

B: Well,I bought these airline tickets through your travel agency to fly to New York yesterday. Unfortunately,there was a big snowstorm in Chicago that grounded all the flights,so the flight was canceled. So this ticket is no good. I want a full refund.

A: May I please see the tickets? Hmm. . I'm sorry Sir,but these tickets are non-refundable tickets. I suggest you contact the airline directly. If they canceled your flight,you should be able to get another ticket from them to make up for the canceled flight.

B: Are all of your employees as stupid as you? How come you haven't been able to help me take care of my problem? !

A: I am trying to help you. What we can do to help resolve this issue is help you contact the airline to see what their policy is on canceled flights. . .

B: I want you to take responsibility for the tickets you sold! How difficult is that?

A: I will do what I can to help you resolve the problem. We are prepared to help you deal with this problem by talking to the airline to see if we can exchange your tickets for travel on another day.

B: I don't want you to give me an exchange for tickets to travel on another day. These tickets are already useless to me! I demand a full refund!

A: I'm sorry,but I am unauthorized to give refunds on tickets. I will be happy to help you bring this problem to the attention of my supervisor. Would you like to talk to her? She may be able to work something out for you.










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