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A: May I take your order now?A:您现在点菜吗?

B: Yes.What are you going to have,Mr.Li?B:是的。李先生,您想吃什么?

C: I have no idea.You just choose for me.C:我拿不定主意。你给我定好了。

B: What is the chef's suggestion for tonight?B:今晚大厨准备了些什么好菜?

A: Lobster and grilld chicken.A:有龙虾和香煎鸡扒。

B: I'd like seafood for a change .What about you,Mr.Li?B:我想吃点海味,换换口味。你呢,李先生?

C: I'll have the roast beef.I've heard a lot of people talk about it but I've never tasted it.C:我想吃点烤牛肉。早就听许多人说烤牛肉好吃,可我还从来没尝过呢。

A: How would you like your steak? Rare,medium or well?A:你的牛排要求怎么做?是嫩点,不嫩不老,还是烧透点?

C: Well,please.C:请烧透点吧。

A: Would you like an appetizer?A:你要点开胃菜吗?

B: No,thanks,but we'd like tomato juice.B:不用了,谢谢,不过,我想要点番茄汁。

A: Yes.A:好的。

B: What kind of soup do you have today?B: 今天你们有什么汤菜?

A: Chicken noodle,onion,tomato and clam chowder.A: 有鸡面、洋葱、番茄和蛤肉杂烩汤。

B: Do you care for some soup?B:你想喝点汤吗?

C: Yes.Clam chowder sounds good.C:好的。蛤肉杂烩汤听起来不错。

B: Yes,it's very delicious.Vegetables?B:是挺不错。今天有什么蔬菜吗?

A: We have cauliflower,string beans,spinach,carrots and baked potatoes.A:我们有菜花、豆角、菠菜、胡萝卜和烤土豆。

C: Cauliflower and spinach,please.C:请给我菜花和菠菜。

A:Can I get you anything else ?A:你还要点其他的吗?

C: Yes,we must have some apple pie.There's nothing more American than that.C:是的,我们还要些苹果派,这是最具美国特色的菜。

A:Yes,sir.Something to drink ?A:是的,先生。要喝点什么?

C:I'll have a cup of tea,please.C:请给我一杯茶。

B:Just a glass of ice water for me.B:给我一杯冰水就行了。

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