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A:You know,water is very important to all living things.Without water there can be no life on Earth.All animals and plants need water.Man also needs water.


B:That's true.We need water to drink,to cook our food and to clean ourselves.Water is needed in cities and countryside,in factories and traffic,everywhere!


A: Water covers about seventy percent of the Earth's surface.There is water in seas,rivers,lakes,springs and wells.However,water also has different types.

A: 水大约覆盖了地球表面的70%。海洋里、河里、湖里、泉水里和水井里都有水。不过,水也有不同的种类。

B: You're right.Well,when water falls to the Earth as rain,some of it sinks into the Earth,until it is stopped by a layer of non porous rock.Do you know what non porous rock is?

B: 你说得对。嗯,水以雨的形式降落到地球上时,有一些会渗透到地球内部,一直渗到它遇到无孔岩石层时才停止。你知道无孔岩石是什么吗?

A: Yes,I do.Non porous rock is firm and solid.Water collects above this layer and saturates the soil.The height of the water saturated layer of soil depends on the amount of rain that has fallen recently.

A: 是的,我知道。无孔岩石很坚硬。水聚集在这种岩层上并且渗透到土壤里。 水浸土壤层的高度依近期降雨量的多少而定。

B: What's more,the water table is the line that separates the water saturated layer of soil from the drier layer of soil above it.

B: 还有,地下水位是分隔水浸土壤层和其上方的干土层的分隔线。

A: Yes.Well,when the water table rises to the surface of the ground,a spring is formed.Spring water,you know,usually has a lot of minerals dissolved in it.

A: 对。唔,当地下水位升到地面时,便形成了泉水。泉水通常含有很多溶解的矿物质,这个你是知道的。

B: However,water that has certain minerals dissolved in it is called hard water.Hard water does not mix well with soap.That's why it is difficult to wash our clothes with hard water and soap.We have to “soften”hard water before we can use it.

B: 不过,含有某些溶解矿物质的水叫做硬水。硬水不易溶解肥皂。这就是为什么用硬水和肥皂洗衣服很难洗干净的原因了。使用硬水前,我们得把硬水“软化”才行。

A: That's quite true.Sometimes a deep hole is dug in the ground to reach the water table.Water then flows into the hole forming a well.

A: 确实是这样。有时,人们在地面上挖一个深坑通往地下水位处。这样,水便涌出来,形成水井。

B: Besides all that,there are many lakes,rivers,streams and even ponds on the Earth's surface.Lakes are deep hollows or basins that are filled with water.Rivers are channels of water that flow into the sea or to the lakes.Well,most lakes and rivers get their water from rain and from springs.

B: 此外,地球表面上还有很多湖泊、河流、溪流,甚至还有水塘。湖泊是装满了水的深凹地区或盆地。河流是将水引入大海或者湖泊的水道。唔,大多数湖泊和河流的水都是由雨水和泉水聚集而成的。

A: Now a stream is a natural flow of water,usually smaller than a river and a pond means an area of still water smaller than a lake.Well,water is the “life blood”of our Earth,so it is everywhere.

A: 溪流通常比河流小,它是自然形成的。池塘指的是比湖泊小的地方,那里面的水是静止的。唔,水是我们地球的“生命之血”,因此它无处不在。

B: Quite true.Nature has a great water system.For instance,rain water finds its way to streams and rivers.Rivers lead to the oceans.Then at the mouths of the rivers,fresh water joins the salt water of the ocean.

B: 的确如此。大自然拥有一个庞大的水系。比如,雨水流入溪流和河流。河流又通往海洋。在河口处,淡水与海洋里的咸水混合。

A: Nevertheless.Here at the mouth of a river,there is much important plant and animal life.Pollution destroys this life,so we have to clean our streams and rivers.You know,Man has to work with nature,not against it.

A: 不过,河口处有十分重要的植物和动物生命。污染会摧毁这些生命,因此我们必须净化溪流和河流。你知道,人类必须顺应大自然,而不是逆之而动。

B: I quite agree with you.

B: 我完全同意你的看法。

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