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A: Can you explain what water is?

A: 唔,你能说说水是什么物质吗?

B: Oh,water can be a liquid,a solid or a gas.You see,water is found almost everywhere.Even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the air,of course you can't see it or feel it when it is part of the air.

B: 噢,水可以是液态、固态或气态的。你知道,水几乎到处都有。即使在世界上那些最干燥的地方,其空气中也有水分,当然,这些水分已成为空气的组成部分,你看不见,也摸不着它。

A: You're quite right.The water in oceans and lakes and streams is a liquid.The water in the air is not a liquid but a gas.We call it water vapour .

A: 你说得非常正确。海洋、湖泊和河流中的水是液态的。空气中的水不是液态的,而是气态的。我们把它叫做水蒸汽。

B: Many people don't know that clouds are made of water,too.They may be made of tiny drops of water.They may also be made of snow crystals.Well,snow crystals are tiny crystals of ice.Ice is frozen water or water that has become solid.

B: 许多人不知道云也是由水形成的。它们也许是由微小的水珠形成的,也许是由雪结晶形成的。唔,雪结晶是微小的冰晶。冰就是结冻的水或变成固体的水。

A: Therefore,we have found out that water may be a solid,or a liquid or a gas.You know,when it is a solid,it may be as hard as rock.When it is a liquid,you can pour it out of a container.And when it is a gas,you can't see it or feel it.

A: 因此,我们已经发现水可能呈固态或液态,或者气态。你知道,当水变成固态时,它可以如同岩石一样坚硬。当它变成液态时,你可以把它从容器里倒出来。还有,当它变成气体时,你看不到,也摸不着它。

B: Well,have you noticed that if you let a glass of water stand without a cover,the water will disappear,forming water vapour?

B: 唔,你注意到了没有,如果你把一玻璃杯水不盖盖子放着,水将会变成水蒸汽而消失?

A:I know that very well.And when water changes to water vapour we say that it evaporates.If you heat water,you can make it evaporate faster.If you heat it long enough,you can make it boil.When water boils,water vapour forms very fast.

A: 这个我是非常清楚的。而且,当水变成水蒸汽的时候,我们说水蒸发了。如果你给水加热,你能使它蒸发得更快。如果你给它加热足够长时间,你还能使它沸腾。水沸腾的时候,水蒸汽形成的速度非常快。

B: On the other hand,when water vapour changes to water,we say that it condenses.That is,the water is formed by the condensation of the water vapour from the air.By the way,people get pure water from salt water just by this evaporation and condensation.

B: 另一方面,当水蒸汽变成水的时候,我们说它凝结了。换句话说,水是空气中的水蒸汽凝结后形成的。还有,人类就是用这种蒸发和凝结方法从盐水中提取纯水的。

A: Now that you have known something about water cycle,will you say something about it?

A: 既然你对水循环的道理已经有所了解,你能讲讲有关它的一些情况吗?

B: Water can change from one form to another very easily.This is why we always have supply of fresh water.How is this possible then? We should know the reason.First of all,the heat of the sun evaporates water from the oceans,seas,rivers and lakes.The heat also evaporates water from the ground and from plants and animals.So water vapour is formed.This rises and forms clouds in the air,you know.

B: 水能很容易地从一种形态变成另一种形态。这就是我们总会有淡水供应的原因。那么,这种情形怎样会成为可能呢?我们应当知道其中的道理。首先,太阳的热量把水从海洋中、河流里和湖泊中蒸发出来。太阳的热量也能把地下的水、植物和动物上的水变成蒸汽。这样,水蒸汽便形成了。你知道的,这些水蒸汽上升到空中,形成空中的云彩。

A: However,when the clouds come near a mountain,they are forced to rise.As the clouds rise,they are cooled.Well,the higher they rise,the more they are cooled.This causes more and more water vapour to condense.

A: 然而,当云彩接近山峰的时候,它们便被迫上升。随着云彩的上升,它们冷却下来。唔,它们上升得越高,被冷却得越多。这便使越来越多的水蒸汽浓缩起来。

B: In this way,the tiny drops of water in the clouds get bigger and bigger until they are heavy enough to fall to the Earth as rain.

B: 这样,云彩中的微小水珠变得越来越大了,直到它们足够重了,形成雨水降落到地球上。

A: Well,some rain water that falls on the Earth is again evaporated by the sun's heat.Some of it sinks into the ground.It may be used up by thirsty plants,or it may reach a well or a spring.

A: 唔,一些落到地球上的雨水再一次被太阳的热量变成蒸汽。一些雨水渗入到地面以下。它可以供干渴的植物使用,或者可以到达水井或水泉。

B: Then,most of the rain water goes back to the rivers,seas and oceans.This process then starts all over again.

B: 大部分的雨水都流回河流、大海和海洋之中。接着,这个过程又一次从头开始。

A: And this process is called the water cycle.

A: 这一过程被叫做水循环。

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