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A:How do I open a document in Word?我怎样才能在Word中打开文件?

B:Go to the“File”menu and click on“open”.A dialogue box will appear.Click on the name of the file you want.到“文件”菜单中点击“打开”。会出现一个对话框。点击你想打开的文件名。

A:I want to delete a complete paragraph in this document.How can I do it quickly?我想删除文档里的一整段。怎么做能快一点?

B:Select the paragraph by clicking and dragging the mouse over it.Then press the“delete”key on your keyboard.通过点击并拖动鼠标选中该段,然后按键盘上的“删除”键。

A:Thanks.And how do I move the paragraph?谢谢。那我怎样移动一段呢?

B:Select the paragraph.Then click on the“cut”button.Next,paste it in by clicking on the point where you want to insert it.选中该段,点击“剪切”按钮。然后,点击你想插入该段的地方,进行粘贴。

A:And could you tell me how to insert a table into a Word document?那么能告诉我如何在Word文件中插入表格吗?

B:Yes.Open up the“table”menu,and click on“Insert Table”.可以。打开“表格”菜单,点击“插入表格”。


B:Can you see the dialogue box headed“Insert Table”?你能看到标题为“插入表格”的对话框吗?


B:Right,how many columns and rows do you want in your table?好的。你想插入的表格是几行几列的?

A:Four columns and four rows.四行四列。

B:OK.Click on the little arrow pointing up,in the box indicating“number of columns”.Choose“four”.Do the same in the box indicating“Number of rows”.Then click on“OK”.That s it.好的。点击标有“列数”框的向上小箭头,选“4”。在标有“行数”的框中进行相同操作。然后点“确定”,就可以了。

A:Thanks very much.非常感谢。

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