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A:Hello,Adam.Anything benefited from Internet?你好,亚当。网上有受益吗?

B:Yes,I think I can say quite a lot.I have found that quite a number of cities in Canada and other countries in western Europe are not quite densely populated,and the thing most to my delight is that they seldom have public transportation systems operating on their roads.是的,我想我可以说是受益颇深。我发现加拿大和西欧的许多城市人口密度相对较小,尤其令人欣喜的是,这些城市几乎没有公交系统的车辆在路面上运行。

A:Good,you can take great advantage of this by selling your superior cars there.What else?好哇!你可以利用这一点在这些地方销售你的超级轿车。还有什么其他收获?

B:No more.Sorry.没了。对不起。

A:I ll tell you that you,at least,have one more thing to do.That is to find out more about the people there,not just whether their road is spacious or crowded this time,just to see more about their economic conditions,their classes,their social status,and most important of all,who possess the biggest potential power of purchase and so on,including what model they like,and what color they prefer.我跟你说,你至少还有一件事要做。那就是多多地了解当地人的情况。这次不仅仅是路面的宽窄问题,要着重查明当地人的经济情况,他们的社会阶层、社会地位。而且,最重要的是哪一消费群体拥有较大的潜在购买力等等许多方面,包括他们喜欢什么样的车型,什么颜色的汽车。

B:You mean I have to conduct a market research with the help of Internet?你的意思是说我得通过互联网做市场调查?

A:Yes,quite right.And to identify a target market and do the market segmentation.是的,很正确,并且确立目标市场,做好市场分割。

B:You mean I won t have to go to the places myself to do the investigation but just depend on Internet for all the information,sir?你的意思是说我不必亲自前往这些城市做市场调查,只是依靠互联网获取信息就行了,是吗先生?

A:Yes,just save the money for your vacation,OK?是的,把差旅费省下来外出度假如何?

B:All right.I can stay more with my family without delaying my work.好吧!我可以多和家人在一起而且还不耽搁我的工作。

A:There is more than that.还不止这些呢。

B:What else?还有什么?

A:Time.You know,we can get our useful information with less time but more precision.Time means money;efficiency means life.If we grasped timely information before the others only by a head,we would win.Only Internet perhaps will help us to do so.Internet is the quickest and the safest highway of information.We shall no longer have to beat the road to find our customers,and we still know a lot.时间啊。你知道,我们能够花费较少的时间获得有用的、更准确的信息。时间就是金钱,效率就是生命。如果我们能够赶在他人前面及时地获得信息,哪怕超前一点,我们就会赢。也许只有互联网能帮助我们做到这一点。互联网是最为快捷、最为安全的信息高速公路。我们再也不必奔走街头寻找客户了,可我们仍然可以了解许多信息。

B:You are quite right,sir.Internet Service Provider provides us such benefits,which no one but a fool won t take its advantages for information.先生,您说得很对。互联网服务公司给我们提供了这么大的益处,除了傻瓜没有人不仰仗它获取信息。

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