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Receptionist:Good morning,everyone.Welcome to our campus.In today’s orientation,I’ll introduce some information about our college.If you have any question,you can ask me.

Freshman:Good morning.

Receptionist:Well,firstly,let me give you this booklet.It tells you a bit more about our college,the courses and the social activities we offer.

Student:What is the timetable in our college?

Receptionist:Well,every day we have 5 courses,the first course starts at 8:10 in the morning,and each course lasts 90 minutes with 5 minutes break.

Student:Is there any extracurricular activities?

Receptionist:Of course,there are more than 30 associations,each of which can organize different activities every week.And you can choose anyone which you are interested in to join.

Student:Wow,sounds great!

Receptionist:And we also have sports and fitness center in our campus.If you want to do some exercise,you can go there.

Student:Is it free for students?

Receptionist:If you take your student cards,that should be free.

Student:Terrific!How about the opening time there?

Receptionist:It opens from 9 a.m.to 6 p.m.on workdays,and from 10 a.m.to 7 p.m.on the weekend.

Student:How can we find the Administration Building?

Receptionist:Let me show you.Look at the map on the back of the booklet.You come in through the Main Entrance,walk on to the end of this corridor in front of you and then turn left.

Student:So it’s next to the Library according to the map,in fact.

Receptionist:Yes,that’s right.

Student:Oh,one last thing.Is there a student common room?

Receptionist:Oh,yes.I forgot to mention that.It’s this area here.There are tea and coffee facilities there.

Student:Great.Thank you very much.

Receptionist:You’re welcome.If you have more questions,you can contact me.I’d like to help you.

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