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Bob: How do I apply to an American university?

Ann: You should go to the library to find some information about American universities, and write to the Admission Office. Then the Admission Office will send you Application Forms and other related materials. From experience, many applicants write to several universities instead of just one.

Bob: I was told that it took a lot of time and effort to apply.

Ann: That is true. I’ll list for you the requirements of almost all the universities. First of all, you need official transcripts of your undergraduate work, three letters of recommendation from your professors who know your competence, and the official TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score (It’s usually 550.). Then you need a financial guarantee, and an application fee of $25.

Bob:What’s to come next?

Ann: If they agree to enroll you, they’ll send you a TAP-66 Form. With TAP-66, you can apply for a passport from our government and then apply for a visa from the US Embassy in Beijing.

Bob: How long will it take to go over all the procedures?

Ann: From three to six months if everything goes well.

Bob: Thank you. I appreciate all your help.

Ann: You’re welcome. Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions.


安: 你应该到图书馆找一些关于美国大学的信息资料,并给招生办公室去信询问。然后招生办公室会发给你申请表格和其他一些相关材料。就我的经验来说,很多申请者都给好几所大学一起去信而非只是一所。

鲍勃: 据说申请学校耗费很多时间和精力。

安: 的确如此。我现在给你列出几乎所有大学都一致的要求:首先,你要准备好你的大学毕业论文的正式抄写本,三封知晓你能力的教授的推荐信,还有官方托福(英语作为一门外语的考试)考分(通常是550分),然后你还需要一份经济担保和25美元的申请费。


安: 如果他们同意录取你,他们会发给你TAP-66表格。有了TAP-66表格,你可以从我们的政府申请护照,再从美国驻北京大使馆申请签证。

鲍勃: 所有这些手续下来需要多久呢?

安: 如果一切都顺利的话,需要3到6个月。


安: 不客气。如果还有什么其他的问题尽管问。

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