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Elizabeth: I’m sorry to trouble you again, Mr. Stone.

Mr. Stone: It’s okay. What do you want to ask?

Elizabeth: Where should I go after I arrived at the university?

Mr. Stone: The first place you should go is the International Center.


Mr. Stone: You can get help there in dealing with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service; you can find Foreign Student Advisers.

Elizabeth: What kind of role do Foreign Student Advisers play?

Mr. Stone: They’ll discuss personal concerns, housing, adjustment, finances, and other matters with you.

Elizabeth: Can we get any more help at the International Center?

Mr. Stone: Yes, a lot more. If you go there just before the beginning of the fall’s semester, you can get your student ID and social security number there. They’ll keep your documents up-to-date. They’ll offer an orientation program for new comers. They’ll also help you contact your department and registration office.

Elizabeth: I see. It must be worth going to.

Mr. Stone: Besides these, the Center staff also works with community organizations which provide tours, home hospitality, speaking engagements, and assistance for wives of foreign students. In cooperation with nationality clubs, student associations, and other organizations, the International Center provides a varied program of cultural and social events throughout the year.

Elizabeth: Wonderful! It is a home for foreign students.

Mr. Stone: It sure is. They also serve tea, coffee, and refreshments. The Center staff members are also friendly and helpful. Everyone loves them.

伊丽莎白: 不好意思,斯通先生,我又来打扰你了。

斯通先生: 没关系。你想问什么?

伊丽莎白: 我到达学校后该去哪里?

斯通先生: 你首先要去的地方是国际中心。


斯通先生: 你可以在和美国移民局交涉的时候得到帮助,你可以找到外国学生顾问。

伊丽莎白: 外国学生顾问有什么作用?

斯通先生: 他们会和你讨论个人问题、住房、环境适应、财政状况和其他一些事情。

伊丽莎白: 我还能从国际中心得到其他的帮助吗?

斯通先生: 是的,还有很多。如果你去的时候刚好是秋季学期开始之前,你还可以在那里拿到你的学生证和社会安全码。他们还会随时更新你的资料。他们会对新人提供定向指导方案。也会帮助你和你的学院及注册办公室联系。

伊丽莎白: 我清楚了。看来这个地方值得一去。

斯通先生: 除了这些,中心员工还和社会组织一起提供游览、家庭款待、演讲安排以及帮助安排外国学生的妻子的服务。与国家俱乐部、学生协会以及其他的组织合作使得国际中心可以全年安排文化和社会活动。

伊丽莎白: 太好了!它简直是外国留学生之家。

斯通先生: 它的确是。他们在接待的同时还会提供茶水、咖啡和饮料。中心员工也十分友善,乐于助人。每个人都喜欢他们。

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