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Bob: How did you choose courses when you were abroad?

Ann: That’s a very good question. Choosing proper courses and effectively planning a college schedule is very important to the progress toward your educational goal. In order to do these wisely and effectively, you should consult with a Program Adviser or Academic Counselor.

Bob: Wait... wait a minute. There’re some new terms for me. I can hardly follow you.

Ann: OK. I’ll go into more detail. A Program Adviser or an Academic Counselor is usually an experienced professor who is responsible for all the necessary academic counseling through graduation. You can discuss with him the program selection, changing or adding a program, the requirements for graduation, and other problems related to your study. You’ll choose some courses, and then discuss with the adviser whether your choice can meet the requirements for graduation.

Bob: Everything is so new to me. I think I’ll have to experience a very difficult period when I get there.

Ann:Sure, very difficult.

Bob: I’m very grateful for your advice.

Ann: It is my pleasure to talk with you.

鲍勃: 你在国外学习的时候是怎么选择课程的?

安: 好问题。选择正确的课程和有效地安排一个校园计划表对完成你的学习目标很重要。为了明智高效地完成这些,你应该咨询一位学业规划顾问或者是学院咨询导师。

鲍勃: 等等……等一下。有一些术语我没听过。不明白你是什么意思。

安: 好的。我会说得更详细些。学业规划顾问或学院咨询导师通常都是有经验的负责毕业各环节必要的学术咨询的教授。你可以向他咨询课程的选择、课程的变动和增加、毕业的要求和其他与你的学习相关的问题。你选择一些课程,然后询问导师你所选的课程是否符合毕业要求。

鲍勃: 对我而言,所有这些都是这么陌生。看来当我到那边的时候我得度过一段非常艰难的时间了。




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